crista317 Member


  • I love the Birthday Cake flavor!
  • That's what I thought, too.. I don't have wifi where I'm at but I do have data and it lets me on the internet for everything else. That's what's confusing me.
  • I used to think it was time consuming, as well. Now, I plan the night before what I'm going to eat the next day. So tonight, when I'm winding down for the night, I'll log all my meals for tomorrow. It takes only a few minutes, and if I tweak anything it only takes a couple seconds to go back in and change it. Maybe that…
  • Thanks so much for the helpful replies. I'm looking so forward to finally reaping benefits from strength training. I've never really committed to it before and now I'm ready. Maybe it would still benefit me to hire my trainer again. If nothing else, he can set me up with a solid plan and help me modify the exercise as…
  • Really?? I was honestly thinking that answer would be too good to be true, but that makes me really happy!!! :-)
  • Great!! Thank you. Looks to be working now, but it says I lost 10 lbs and I've only lost 9.6. I guess that means I'll HAVE to lose that .4 soon. :-)
    in Ticker... Comment by crista317 June 2014
  • I was doing Mondays since that was my initial start to MFP but I have moved it to Saturday mornings. I usually go out on Saturday nights for a nice dinner and drinks and tend to go over my daily allowance. (Try to keep it around maintenance, though, that didn't happen last night! Oops. :-)) But I feel I have all week to be…
  • What a crazy ride.. but it's been a good one so far. I'm ok with the fluctuations and know if I keep doing this my weight will go down. I also took measurements when I started this and will measure once a month. I already feel 1000% better and lighter not carrying water and bloat around with me. So even losing water weight…
  • If I have logged out that I'm going to eat 5 oz of chicken, I weigh my chicken and eat 5 oz. I almost always have my meals prepared ahead for the week. I cook my veggies daily or every other day. Is that what you're asking?
  • Thank you so much, all! That's the reassurance I needed!! I'm super excited for my race.
  • That sounds great, considering I hear on an almost daily basis how I'll never lose any weight unless I eat only 1200 a day. I'd rather be fat, thank you very much. Haha!
  • I do realize that. Thanks again. I know it's not a perfect calculator. And I actually try to log a few more calories than I actually eat and log fewer in the way of exercise than what should be "average" for me just to be safe. My exercise is really regular, as I'm training for several 1/2 marathons and 25k's from now…
  • Aaron, thank you. That was very helpful and makes so much sense. I like the idea of calculating my exercise calories by week, rather than by day. It was driving me crazy to think I can't eat as much on the days I don't run and to think I could eat an extra 1200 calories on days I run 10 miles. I will be using your info and…