Runners.... I need reassurance!!

Hello to my fellow runners. I have a half marathon this Saturday and, though I've done many many of them before, I've never done one while on a calorie deficit. I will say I have definitely noticed the lack of fuel on my training runs. Not horribly or enough to slow me down much, but noticeable. I didn't mind that so much in my training but I'm really wanting to avoid the lack of energy on race day. I have decided to log my eating plan now for the next 3 days in hopes that I can get it right before the race and be able to celebrate a little on race day.

I figured I would stay close to my deficit tomorrow, just adding more carbs than usual. On Friday, carb load day, I have logged close to maintenance, (not in a deficit) with many more carbs than usual. I'm hoping that keeps my energy steady through the race. Then, finally, on race day, I have logged my pre race meal (2 hours before start of the race), pre race snack (banana, 20 minutes before gun time), my gu gels during the run, my post race chocolate milk and snacks they offer after the finish. Then I'll head home, have a small lunch, and then I've logged our celebratory dinner.

After all that, It will still put me at a small deficit on race day. But I was just wondering if any of you long time runners could just take a look at my diary for tomorrow through race day, and let me know if it looks ok energy-wise pre-race, and if you think I'll be ok by not gaining weight through all this. Also, I'm always open to helpful suggestions if you see anything you think I would be better off without or adding to my plan.

Thanks so much if you actually take the time to do all this for me. I'm hoping for 2:05 half marathon. Wish me luck. :-)


  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm definitely not an expert but I've done all my training in a deficit. I usually eat at or around maintenence for 2-3 days leading up to a half.

    I'm not sure that I'd change anything pre-race energy wise if that's what has been known to work for you.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I'm definitely not an expert but I've done all my training in a deficit. I usually eat at or around maintenence for 2-3 days leading up to a half.

    This is what I was going to say. I always do my training in a deficit but the week of the race I eat at maintenance or slightly above. Never makes an impact on the scale. Good luck and enjoy your race!
  • zchastain
    zchastain Posts: 55 Member
    Like other posters above I will train in deficit then eat at maintenance the whole week leading up to the race. So the only recommendation I'd have is up your calories today by about 500 to a maintenance level.

    Have fun on Saturday!
  • crista317
    crista317 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you so much, all! That's the reassurance I needed!! I'm super excited for my race.