Logging ahead..

Anybody else find it easier to log your whole day the night or morning before you actually eat anything? I'm learning that if I don't log ahead of time, I will overeat early in the day and not leave much left for later. Logging ahead keeps me on track and I don't have to think about what and how much of what I'm going to eat the rest of the day. I might tweak it here or there but so far I'm doing very well!!! Anybody else?


  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    How do you know if you ate 5 oz of chicken breast or 10 ounces if you pre logged?

    Unless you have your meals pre made, but sounds like you don't.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I did this for the first few months I used MFP and it really helped me out. I knew how much I could eat, if I could afford to have a treat, etc. I find that I no longer need to do this and often changed as I went about my day, so I stopped doing it, but it can be really helpful, as long as you make sure to update if you don't stick with your plan. It can also be helpful if you're struggling with macros and micros.
  • crista317
    crista317 Posts: 22 Member
    If I have logged out that I'm going to eat 5 oz of chicken, I weigh my chicken and eat 5 oz. I almost always have my meals prepared ahead for the week. I cook my veggies daily or every other day. Is that what you're asking?
  • ianthy
    ianthy Posts: 404 Member
    Yes I log ahead. It helps to keep me on track with exercise and foods. I check the log to see what I should be having and weigh the foods to ensure that it meets the plan. I find the exercise logging ahead really helpful - for example today I have been busy and would have loved to just sit on the sofa and watch more TV, but in my log I had committed to a Kettle bell work out - so I got it done. Without it listed in my log - not 100% confident I would have got off the sofa.

    It may not work for everyone but for me it's essential at the moment. I am slowly increasing my cals as I move towards maintenance so keeping a close eye on how my weight/body responds to extra cals/exercise is essential.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    If I have logged out that I'm going to eat 5 oz of chicken, I weigh my chicken and eat 5 oz. I almost always have my meals prepared ahead for the week. I cook my veggies daily or every other day. Is that what you're asking?

    Yupp. Seems like thats fine then. I was only commenting if you didn't have them pre-made.