

  • Hello, I'm glad you joined MyFitnessPal. It took joining here to realize that I wasn't getting as much calories as I should have. I have since then upped my caloric intake by about 400 calories, to get to the 1450 daily goal and have actually started to lose weight because my body no longer thinks I'm starving. Anyways, it…
  • I am very much, thanks!! My naturally thin friends are wonderful people, I just wish I was naturally thin and I'm working toward it. It was a great boost of confidence though, I started walking with confidence and everything, basically nothing was bothering me at all.
  • The stuff in the front does, but the bigger sizes and whatnot towards the back don't. They're higher sizes, so I guess they don't bother to measure them but the ones that I tried had size 16 and size 18 on them. Maybe for the higher sizes they do that. Thank you!! :)
  • I know!!! I'm very happy about this. Finally some progress after a rebound. Actually I did, I decided that I would go shopping with my sister instead, since she is a vegetarian and I have somewhat vegetarian tendencies. -I still want sushi.- Much better food choices and exercise daily so this should be good. ((I would hope…
  • Oh I know, we were pouring sweat the whole way there and the whole way back! It was insane! We walked faster coming back than when we walked to it because she had to go to class, that was the only reason to be honest. Yeah, I've lived here most of my life and figured that out really quick. Thank you for the luck, I'll need…
  • Oh believe me we did! We took 32 oz of water with us and split it between the two of us, and then got two more bottles of water on the way back. We make sure to keep hydrated. :)
  • @Dtraylor-Thank you. My friend and I could not afford to slow down because she had to get ready for class. Safe to say we hauled our butts back to her house real fast. It took us two hours to get to the place we walked to and only and hour and a half max to get back. We won't be doing any 20 mile walks like we normally do…
  • This is true, as long as you have the confidence you can rock whatever outfit you want to! Go for it girl! :)
  • Thank you, my friend and I recently went shopping and I picked up mostly vegetables and diced tomatoes and whatnot! I made a stew tonight for the very first time, and my mother and I each had a bowl and she loved it!! I felt happy, mainly because I now realize that I can cook if I keep at it...maybe not gourmet...but good…
  • Thank you! I'll need all the luck I can get! :) I will definitely venture more into MFP because it seems very interesting in the forums! If it can help me with my goals I would be happy to use it to it's full potential. I've been trying to lose this weight forever -almost 10 years, 5 years seriously 14 I wasn't…
  • Exactly the same with me, minus the fiance part.
  • My sis is my motivation, she is my cheer squad on the sidelines and she is trying to lose weight...and accomplishing it! She's lost almost 10 pounds in two weeks. I just barely started cataloging my stuff so yeah...have to check the scale tomorrow. I hope I can do as well as she is.