Walking in 90 degree weather

Hi all.

Please forgive me for asking a stupid question but when you do a three and a half hour walk in 94 degree heat with the heat index putting it at about 104 do you burn more calories than normally would be the case? I don't think so, but I was just curious.

Yay for SoFla.


  • dtraylor
    dtraylor Posts: 32
    The calorie burn is related to your heart rate. Exercising in the heat requires your heart to work harder for the same effort. So it's safe to say you do burn more calories for the same effort, but people tend to slow down in the heat naturally. A Heart Rate Monitor is a good tool to use for varying temperatures and to keep your heart rate in the right zone regardless of temperature.

    I run(jog) in that temp and I have to slow waaay down to keep my heart rate in a safe zone, plus I carry water. In colder temps I have to run harder to get my heart rate up into the same anaerobic zone and above, which makes it harder to run for a long time in that zone. Whatever you do, don't overdo it in the heat. It can cause serious trouble if you are not used to it.

    Good luck!
  • mapnerd2005
    mapnerd2005 Posts: 363
    Make sure you drink plenty of water!
  • melanie92
    melanie92 Posts: 184 Member
    I have wondered the same thing myself. I live in Arkansas, and we have had August weather in June so far this year. It sucks. 80 degrees at 7:00 in the morning. By the time I finish walking it's 90+ degrees. I am losing more weight than my stats indicate I should, so I have a feeling that it's the hot weather help. Just please remember to up your water accordingly. G2 is good also to replace electrolytes without a lot a calories, especially in a 5K.
  • pandageisha
    @Dtraylor-Thank you. My friend and I could not afford to slow down because she had to get ready for class. Safe to say we hauled our butts back to her house real fast. It took us two hours to get to the place we walked to and only and hour and a half max to get back. We won't be doing any 20 mile walks like we normally do in this heat anytime soon. When it cools down, or her house gets AC back, then yes but until then it isn't happening. I'll be using my workout tapes instead for a while until it decides to cool down.

    I've lived in Florida for 22 years of my life, and I hate the summers the most. Normally I don't mind walking so much but AC is essential, or an accessible pool. Otherwise I would have no problem it's just the combination of No AC+No Pool (that isn't filled with either old people or screaming children or both)=a horrible experience walking. When you are still pouring sweat a half an hour after you get home you know it's time to stop that and find a new form or exercise. Congrats to you to be able to run/jog so far in this hot weather!! Maybe if it's a little bit cooler tonight after she gets out of class we go walking some more but I wouldn't count on it. She'll be too tired by then.

    Thank you for the luck, I am going to need it in copious amounts!! :)
    I'll stop ranting now.
  • jamie11k
    jamie11k Posts: 82
    I wondered the same thing the other day, when I decided to walk home from the Metro instead of taking the bus. Heat index of 94, and I had my water, but MAN was I sweating! I tried to keep the same pace but when it's almost all uphill, something's gotta give.

    I used to live in Florida too, and you pretty much have to get up at 5:30 to avoid that heat! Good luck :)
  • pandageisha
    Make sure you drink plenty of water!

    Oh believe me we did! We took 32 oz of water with us and split it between the two of us, and then got two more bottles of water on the way back. We make sure to keep hydrated. :)
  • pandageisha
    I wondered the same thing the other day, when I decided to walk home from the Metro instead of taking the bus. Heat index of 94, and I had my water, but MAN was I sweating! I tried to keep the same pace but when it's almost all uphill, something's gotta give.

    I used to live in Florida too, and you pretty much have to get up at 5:30 to avoid that heat! Good luck :)

    Oh I know, we were pouring sweat the whole way there and the whole way back! It was insane! We walked faster coming back than when we walked to it because she had to go to class, that was the only reason to be honest.

    Yeah, I've lived here most of my life and figured that out really quick. Thank you for the luck, I'll need it! :)