Hello All!!

Hello everyone, my name is Sasha and I've been struggling with my weight for about 10 years now -my dad leaving when I was eleven took a big toll on me and I ate like crazy out of depression...so yeah...24 now and the weight that I have been trying to lose isn't going away. I hope that keeping track of my calories and exercise will encourage me and help me actually lose the weight and talking to fellow weight-losers as well! :smile:

Also:I forgot to post here before I made my own topic...so that's why I currently have so many posts! Sorry!!!:cry:


  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    No need to apologize! Welcome to MFP! Using this site and learning from the folks on here has gotten me to where I am today... You can do this and MFP is an excellent tool to accomplish your goals!

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • pandageisha
    No need to apologize! Welcome to MFP! Using this site and learning from the folks on here has gotten me to where I am today... You can do this and MFP is an excellent tool to accomplish your goals!

    Good luck on your journey!!

    Thank you! I'll need all the luck I can get! :)

    I will definitely venture more into MFP because it seems very interesting in the forums! If it can help me with my goals I would be happy to use it to it's full potential. I've been trying to lose this weight forever -almost 10 years, 5 years seriously though...at 14 I wasn't as serious as I could have been...teenage stupidity...-
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    No need to apologize! Welcome to MFP! Using this site and learning from the folks on here has gotten me to where I am today... You can do this and MFP is an excellent tool to accomplish your goals!

    Good luck on your journey!!

    I will definitely venture more into MFP because it seems very interesting in the forums! If it can help me with my goals I would be happy to use it to it's full potential. I've been trying to lose this weight forever -almost 10 years, 5 years seriously though...at 14 I wasn't as serious as I could have been...teenage stupidity...-

    Hey, you're doing a great job to get control of this now when you're still young. I've been over 200 since 7th grade and well over 300 since high school...it took me till I turned 38 to wake up at 350 lbs and facing 40 and smell the coffee and decide to do this thing the right way...nutrition and exersize....and to reclaim the life I never got to have because of my weight.

    You CAN definately do this...dont give up at any point. Perseverence, even in the face of plateaus and slip ups is KEY to making this possible...you have the strength in you...keep going!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pandageisha
    No need to apologize! Welcome to MFP! Using this site and learning from the folks on here has gotten me to where I am today... You can do this and MFP is an excellent tool to accomplish your goals!

    Good luck on your journey!!

    I will definitely venture more into MFP because it seems very interesting in the forums! If it can help me with my goals I would be happy to use it to it's full potential. I've been trying to lose this weight forever -almost 10 years, 5 years seriously though...at 14 I wasn't as serious as I could have been...teenage stupidity...-

    Hey, you're doing a great job to get control of this now when you're still young. I've been over 200 since 7th grade and well over 300 since high school...it took me till I turned 38 to wake up at 350 lbs and facing 40 and smell the coffee and decide to do this thing the right way...nutrition and exersize....and to reclaim the life I never got to have because of my weight.

    You CAN definately do this...dont give up at any point. Perseverence, even in the face of plateaus and slip ups is KEY to making this possible...you have the strength in you...keep going!!! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you, my friend and I recently went shopping and I picked up mostly vegetables and diced tomatoes and whatnot! I made a stew tonight for the very first time, and my mother and I each had a bowl and she loved it!! I felt happy, mainly because I now realize that I can cook if I keep at it...maybe not gourmet...but good enough for me! Yeah, I've tried dieting and all kinds of crap and it didn't work but I am making better food choices, one serving or two instead of more, no more incredibly sweet things except for once in a great while, etc. I am also...soon...going to use my exercise tapes if I ever stop being lazy about them. -I'm afraid of making an epic fail out of it even though I am going to be the only one seeing me exercise. XD - I am hoping to go down to about 135-140. Last I looked, which was when I signed up...about a week or two ago...I was 230. We put 228 because it was a fair estimate, I then found out that I was 2 lbs heavier. Ouch. I'm going to check tomorrow though when I wake up and see if the scale is going to be kind to me, or not so much. I hope it will be good. I am planning to do my damnedest to lose the weight if it's the last thing I do. I'm done with not living my life, getting weird looks, and all of that. It's time to change that, for me and my sister.

    :) So yeah, I can't wait!!
    I just have to learn to my mothers words of discouragement first.
    BTW, I love the house in your signature, I take it that it is in Tuscany from your user-name? It's very beautiful.

    Perseverance, okay. I need to teach myself that, and keep to it.
    Thank you!!:happy: *hugs*