randycatron Member


  • Keep training....sounds like you are doing great. As previously written, your weight will fluctuate throughout the week depending on your hydration status. Also, you'll soon notice your clothes fitting better...your body fat percentage will start to decrease (more muscle, less fat...and by muscle I don't mean body-builder…
  • Hi! I have lived in Iowa and have done all or part of RAGBRAI 20+ times, I haven't kept track. It is a cycling fitness challenge, composed of riders who have trained or are in shape, riders who have done minimal training and perceive it to be more of a social event/party than a fitness event, and riders with families.…
  • Hi All...living in Iowa and racing CX every weekend I can until the end of our season in mid-December. Having more fun this year...last year I was racing at about 175 pounds....this year around 160 pounds. So, watching nutrition and getting closer to opitmal race weight has paid dividends. Did my first Cat. 3 CX race...I…
  • 1) As Scott said, check out the course, ideally pre-ride the course in early AM when there is little traffic. Think about how you can safely get through the corners without having to scrub much speed (typically scrub some speed before the corner). 2) Wear a tight jersey...assuming you'll be able to stay above 20mph,…
  • I am an active masters racer and cycling coach. In the race you are entering, there will likely be a number of first-time racers like yourself. A couple key items of advice are to not ride at the front any more than you need to (until the finish). If you are at the front pulling, don't pull more than a minute...the smarter…