Working out but Gaining Weight?!?!? I don't understand

I'm at a loss and wonder if maybe any of you had the same issue. I had lost a total of 14lbs since I started my diet. However after being at the Gym for two weeks and doing a minimum of 30 minutes Cardio and hitting some of the weight machines for my legs, arms, and abdomen I actually gained weight... 4lbs :o( I haven't changed my eating habits and still maintain a good calorie count. I am at a loss and feel like everything I've done is for not. Just wondering if you might have had the same problem when you started with the weights. Thank you


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It's most likely water weight. Your body retains water for muscle repair when you start a new workout regimen, or change the intensity of a current regimen.

    Are you eating exercise calories back? If so, how do you estimate caloric burn?
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    It' common to retain water in your muscles when starting a new workout program, so that probably explains most/ all of the weight gain. If so, it should start to go down soon. It is also, common, however to eat more without realizing it when working out hard. If you are weighing everything you eat, and you are eating under maintenance, it's almost certainly all water weight. I you aren't weighing your food, however, you might want to start doing so to avoid accidentally overeating.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    4lbs is well within normal range of natural weight fluctuation. Put the scale away for a few months and stick to the plan.
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    It's most likely water weight. Your body retains water for muscle repair when you start a new workout regimen, or change the intensity of a current regimen.

    Are you eating exercise calories back? If so, how do you estimate caloric burn?

    ^^^ Agree. The same thing happened to me. Wait a few weeks and it will come off.
  • randycatron
    randycatron Posts: 5 Member
    Keep training....sounds like you are doing great. As previously written, your weight will fluctuate throughout the week depending on your hydration status. Also, you'll soon notice your clothes fitting better...your body fat percentage will start to decrease (more muscle, less fat...and by muscle I don't mean body-builder kind of physique...just less fat). Keep up the great work...keep training and eating will all work out great for you...but it takes, be consistent and patient.
  • Dreamer1123
    Thank you very much! So for at least a month I am not going to be looking at a scale just measurements and comfort in clothes. I appreciate the comments. I know it's going to take a lot of work to get to a better me and I know it's not going to happen over night. I thought I was doing something wrong glad to know it's normal.
  • Dreamer1123
    No I'm eating back what I work out.... I am still maintaining a low calories diet (under 1200) but not starving myself either.
  • Pinko68
    Pinko68 Posts: 2 Member
    Arghhhh!! I know the feeling. I've been training and dieting for the past 4 weeks but have only lost 1lb, I've been following the Dukan diet but stumbled across this site last week so am now following the 1200 calories per day to see if this works. Am doing 2 kettle bell classes, one circuits and am on week 3 of C25K running (twice per week). I'm 5ft 3 1/2, 45 years and weigh 165lbs...Am hopeful from the comments that I will soon start to see and feel the difference.

    Good Luck !!
  • Dreamer1123
    Pinko68 I used this site to lose weight after I had my son & it really did work. That is why I am back however this time I have more I need to lose. Good thing is I am determined to do it. Plus the site has a lot of great people that are here to help. Best of Luck to you too!!