

  • You need to get your blood tested to see if you have any deficiencies… some vitamins, like vitamin C is very good for you and you can't overdoes on it…but others, I think even vitamin D, you can cause yourself damage if you overdoes on them as your body doesn’t get rid of the extras… Vitamin C is good for you, Q10,Zinc...
  • Hi! Im getting married in May and want to look hot for my wedding! i have been on this site for 2 days and i know this is how im going to make it- use all the tools, upload a pic, write about yourself, go into chats...make it your life you will be in it 24/7 and every bit of chocolate you will want to eat- you will think…
  • I dont know... im gonna have to start looking at my protien intake...
  • chick-pea is very good! but you need to take it with vitamin C... take some cooked chick-peas, a bit of olive oil, a bit of garlic- put it in the blender, make it a dip and eat it with red pepper sticks!
  • Have fruit- better citrus and veggis, brown rice and ALOT of water and green tea... eat avocado or some nuts (not salted) so you dont get constipated... No salt...No oil...NOTHING!!!
  • I havent been in a swimsuit since i was are so cool! i just know people look and i dont know why i just cant let people see my flab in all its gloary... I live in Israel, its hot country 10 month a year and i just want to wear shorts :) i will next summer! if i stay on my bike
  • Dancing is a good work out and alwasy fun!!! so on your day off, or any time JUST DANCE!!!
  • I also think people look at me and my boyfriend funny cause he is much smaller than me :(
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