Kosepose Member


  • www.iherb.com :)
  • 10 pounds by christmas! Who is with me?! :) :)
  • Added you :) I'm also on a moderately low carb diet, about 50 carbs a day, looking for friends to find motivation and recipes :) Let's get this thing DONE! :)
    in Atkins Comment by Kosepose October 2013
  • It's not really all about the 3 pounds. Why have I not lost more in 4 months with this regime? My weight: 127 Goal weight: 115 Height: 5''3 (160 cm) Diary is open
  • Hahaha, jesus christ.. Sorry if you guys found it kinda dirty, we're not all from an english-speaking country. I would not have imagined that this thread would cause a riot, I think it's a pretty fair question. If it really upsets you that much, well.. I don't really give a crap, you probably get upset over a lot of…
  • Thanks Millzy! I really do want to know my fat percentage. Maybe 10 pounds is overdoing it, we'll see :p Adding you too! :D
  • Awesome! I'm going to start adding you guys :) Yeah, it's super slow, right?! Started out at 1500 kcal, no workouts. Dropped 10 pounds easy. Now I have been stuck on this weight for about two years. Trying to go 1200 kcal a day (more on the workout days, six days a week). Two spinning classes a week, and four strenght…
  • Well, I think it's hard to keep motivated, when I feel like I'm working against everyone. I know alot of people in this community has the whole 'I-don't-care-what-anyone-thinks'-facade going on, but I just don't buy that. No man is an island, and I have to live with my friends and family. If you think I should tell them to…
  • Thank you! No worries: I've learned to keep my mouth shut, haha.
  • I think it's amazing that you've realized it! Putting your finger on the problem is the first step. If you're stressed out, your body is feeding you a stress-hormone called Cortison. The body is craving food for comfort, to level out the hormone. Those physiological forces are hard to resist, and nobody would blame you for…