Are people respecting your choices?

I'm 5'3, 125 pounds. My goal weight is 115.

So I started out about two weeks ago, and has lost about 3 pounds, my starting weight was 128. Really happy about it, and I've worked my *kitten* off! Eating well, getting into shape.

But here is the weird part: the minute I started telling people I wanted to lose 10 pounds, there was NO encouragement. Everyone just kept saying 'What?, WHY?, You shouldn't.' Some people even got a bit mad at me.

Neither my family or my friends respects my diet, constantly trying to shove candy, dinners and party-drinks in my face. It's like they don't want me to succeed. Rolling their eyes at me when I'm off to the gym, shrug their shoulders when I tell them I've lost weight.

What the fudge is the matter with people?! I think it's so weird that some people claim the right to have a say in what I want to do with my body.

Have you guys experienced the same?


  • 55sc
    55sc Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe they think you are the right size now and are concerned for your health. Maybe they are meddling jerks who should mind their own business. Maybe you shouldn't have told them you are trying to lose 10 pounds.

    Maybe you should just tell them you are trying to make healthier choices with food and exercise instead of it being about losing weight.

    Congrats on the 3 pounds. It is harder to lose when you are close to goal so that is an accomplishment.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I don't care if people respect my choices or not. They can shove food at me all day but I don't have to eat it.

    You're 5'3 so unless you're very large boned or very muscular 115 is in a healthy weight range for you. Show them a BMI chart and tell them they can worry when you drop below a healthy range.

    That said, they're just worried about you. Don't take it personally. Also, stop talking about it. Just eat healthy, exercise, keep your deficit sensible, and go on your merry way. You don't need their approval.
  • Kosepose
    Kosepose Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you! No worries: I've learned to keep my mouth shut, haha.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Why are you so concerned about what others think of you? Does what they think even matter?
  • Kosepose
    Kosepose Posts: 15 Member
    Well, I think it's hard to keep motivated, when I feel like I'm working against everyone. I know alot of people in this community has the whole 'I-don't-care-what-anyone-thinks'-facade going on, but I just don't buy that. No man is an island, and I have to live with my friends and family.

    If you think I should tell them to f*** off, that's not really a constructive solution for me. I need to know why they are doing it, and I respect their opinion.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Hi again Snowey,

    You said..."If you think I should tell them to f*** off, that's not really a constructive solution for me. I need to know why they are doing it, and I respect their opinion. "

    There's a difference between respecting someone's opinion and allowing it to interfere with your peace of mind. Knowing "why" people do things doesn't change what they do. People will do, say, and think what they want regardless of your reaction to them.

    My advice....Just do what makes you happy and realize that what other people think is ok and don't obsess about it. Your life will be much happier.

    Good Luck!:smile:
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    For the most part. I have a bunch of people telling me I am too low on Net Calories each day, but honestly I feel absolutely great at the level I am at.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I have the same issue. I am nearly same as you - 5'3' about 130 with a goal weight of 110. I was running some serious mileage in the summer and got down to 115. People freaked out because they'd never seen me that thin. No matter what I said about my BMI or healthy weight range, people told me to stop losing weight and told me I looked too thin. One person even told me I looked like I was sick. They'd make little comments into my cubicle at work because I'd rather go for a run than to McFatty's for a burger at lunch. The truth is, I didn't look too thin and I wasn't eating too little. I felt great and strong and healthy and my running times improved. I gained some weight back over the holidays due to lack of time and motivation to run, but am getting ready for the 2013 running season and my first full marathon and can't wait to get to my goal weight.

    Don't listen to what anyone else says...just go with how you feel. Personally, I don't think those comments are well-meant most of the time anyway - most are a reflection of the person's own insecurities - they probably wish they were taking steps to improve their health like you are.