JenHall3310 Member


  • I work for Wal Mart (I know I know) and it is shocking what some people put into their kids body. I've literally sold people HUNDREDS of dollars worth of frozen meals. Chips and pop for snacks. It's terrifying. Even the meat some people buy is boxed with gravy and just needs nuked a few minutes...
  • We initially stopped buying those meals because they were SO expensive and we have maintained it because we feel SO much better!
  • Everyone deserves a treat now and then. It's not about starving yourself. It's about moderation!
  • Eat pasta in Little Italy, people watch in Times Square, hit up the wax museum... don't try and do too much though. There's not enough time in the day to see everything in NY.
  • I'm *trying* to kick the soda habit, but those darn sweeteners are popping up everywhere. Drink mixes and such.
  • I do both. Many times I do not eat them back, but if it's a particularly brutal work out I will eat more. I could never not eat when I'm truly hungry so I let my body decide. If the weight comes off slower, so be it. It took more than a day to put it on it will take more than a day to lose it.
  • Do: Look up a restaurant menu and decide what you're going to have before you set foot out the door. Don't: Stress about that the scale says. It's just a number.
  • Pinterest has been an invaluable resource for me! Between the healthy recipes, fitness blogs and inspiration pins I've been steadily losing weight! I love it and pin daily!
  • They only time I get true "me" time... no kids, no hubby- is gym time. I only allow myself to listen to my ipod at the gym so I get pretty pumped to rock out to my tunes keep me motivated to go!
  • Young mom also! I will be 24 this month. There are a ton of exercises you can do with even with a 7 month old! I'll add you and send you some I found on if you'd like