Gym Motivation

I am in desparate need to find some motivation to get me to the gym. Not that my 30$ a month membership fee is not enough, I just can't seen to get there. I can't find a gym partner and the lack of accountbility has caused me to suffer. Any thoughts on how I can pump myself up to workout during a 50+ hour work week? Ill take any advice. Thanks.


  • Williamj
    Williamj Posts: 199 Member
  • razors_girl23
    razors_girl23 Posts: 32 Member
    Have you tried the classes vs just using the equipment? I have a gym membership and go 2-3 times a week and I only ever do the classes. I love them. They are a lot more fun than running on a boring treadmill (and I'm a runner!) My personal favs are the cardio classes like Body Attack, but if you're into more dance style ones Zumba and Sh'Bam are good fun too. Then you could also do things like Body Pump for strength and Body Balance for stretching etc.
  • victoriajh
    try not over doing it- you sounds pretty busy already!
    but set up a routine- they say that it takes 3 weeks to establish a routine- now i dont even think about it- i just GO!!!!
    find a class - or workout that you really ENJOY that will help- also i found that it helped to do classes- I met some great people that i now connect iwth while i am there- and it helps to get me there (and they ask when i am not there!!!)
    good luck!!
  • JenHall3310
    JenHall3310 Posts: 13 Member
    They only time I get true "me" time... no kids, no hubby- is gym time. I only allow myself to listen to my ipod at the gym so I get pretty pumped to rock out to my tunes keep me motivated to go!
  • Turlupinpin
    Well I'm a full time student (bachelor degree) and full time worker (16h to midnight) and I do find the time to workout. My best recommendation would be to start slowly. Begin by taking light weight, I mean really light weight that you almost doesn't feel like you're working out. Do it for a 3 weeks in order to create an habit in your mind (It has been proven that an action takes 21 days to become an habit). If can put more weight, go for it, but you have to keep in mind that working out is EASY.
    Once you're done with this, start a program or something by keeping those light weight at first. When you feel that is too easy, put some more weight.
    The main idea is to create the relation in your brain that workout = fun, easy, enjoyable...etc.
    Depending of your goal, you can start a plan after those 3 weeks.
    It won't give you motivation, motivation comes from your guts. However it will surely help you to put your feet on a gym
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    if you can, find a workout partner. there are huge stats supporting those who workout with a buddy
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    I got a personal trainer. On one hand I invested a lot of money. On the other hand my husband would have killed me if I spent all that money and didn't put it to use. I put those two hands together and went to the gym all the time. Now I hate not going.