

  • great job I am staring out I knew about the plateau but I never thoght that it could be for not eatting enough clories I thought you had to up or chnge your work out anyhow thanks now I know what else to look for
  • OMG congratulationsI dont know you personaly but I want you to know that I am proud of you you did it and now it payed off good job
  • some of these were verry interesting thanks for posting it I had thought about teching my kids to eat right a be active when they got older but I think when they go to the doctor on tuesday I will ask her if I can get them started now
  • it is a brand new day and with that you have a chance to make it all better maybe a little bit extra work outs this week thats what i do when i over endulge on yummy food work out 5 to 10 extra minutes for a week that way I know I made up for it lol is that silly or what
  • never to late to get healthy and fit you wil be a hot grandma
  • hello there I am a little new to this so do you mond if I join your teaI am in need of a little motivation???
  • I have heard about that but for some reasomn I dont know ehre I heard it, what chanel is it on???
  • I dont belong to any groups Im newe and looking for what groups wants me anyhow wow sounds like you are going to have to take it easy for a bit but Im sure you know that, its okay tho as long as you are being treated and your doctor says its okay to excersice with moderation then you should be okay take care and I hope you…
  • thanks guys you and my weight loss keep me motivated
  • I lost 3 Lb is 3 weeks I was hoping to loose about 2 Lb per week but it looks like I am only going to loose 1 thats okay tho I totaly like the fact that I am doing so well I have been eating good and exersiseing... not that often tho cause its been really cold and I dont want to take my son out but you know we will do what…
  • I had a membership to Ballys and I used it for the time I was supposed to and when it was over I still got the charges they said that I didnt cancell it in time even tho I called 30 days in advance like they told me to to cancell it so I ended up paying for it. I think it more exciting to work out outside as soon as it…
  • ok so after Im done inputing what I ate and how much I excersised, I click on that button that says done entering food, it estimates my weight will be 144.5 in 5 weeks, well... what happens after that? Does it re-adjust or what? lol I know it sounds like a silly question but I was wondering
  • what has protein besides protein pwder and protein pills what can I eat thats rich in protein???
  • well I used to excersise by going up and down the stairs at school at work I would do squats and on my lunch I would go to my car put my feet up and enoy my health lunch then i would go up the stairs at work and into the bathroom and do push ups on the wall it might sound silly but to be honest with you when you dont have…
  • my son had Idon vitamins the doctor told hm to take his vitamins with orange juice or apple juice rich in Vitamin C beans have Iron my aunt used to make the home made beans and instead or soda or what ever ahe gave my son apple juice
  • I love country music and one of my fave work out songs is have you forgoten by Toby Keith hot momma by Trace Atkins and lots lots more lol iknow u said one
  • This is nice 1. my kids who are my life 2. My husband who is always supporting me 3. my dog that shows unconditional love AND 4 the great life the lord has given me obsticles and all
  • hi welcome Im farl6y new myself hope we can get to know every one better
  • another try
  • curent weight:156 Goal weight: 150
  • Im in, this is my first challenge and I am ready for it I think Im going to for 6Lb If I loose more yay for me
  • dont get sidcouraged or disapointed you have to start fresh and if 54 calories is all you can burn then so be it tomorrow go for 100 and the next 150 and so on and so forth dont give up make that the reson why you keep it up because you want to improve belive me it will be worth it ~!Mary~
  • yay it worked thanks
  • test
  • So I have been reading about teams and red and purple and all that but I dont get it I am new I just joined last night so can some one please explain it to me and point me inte right direction I would like to stay motivated by joining a team ~Mary~
  • so Im new and I want to know how to put my weight loss ticker on my signature any help will be apreciated thanks ~Mary~
  • I made that last night 3 cans of tuan in water 2 whole tomatoes cut into little squares 2 cup of lettce sliced thin 2 TBS of may .5 a TSP of paprika and 2 jalapenos diced on the side (the kids dont eat chili) I make it for 4 people and I can still put some for hubbys lunch the next day
  • thats true you have to think positive at least it wasnt 10 and most people gained over the holiday I dure did I gained 8 lb and the only reson I know is because I had to go to the Dr on the 21 of december and the 2 of Jan dam great holiday food lol
  • thanks guys yeah i just pulled out a work out tape that i think Im going to do before hubby gets home