

  • I would say have a nice relaxing bath, face pack on to rejuvenate your skin and make you feel good. If you're feeling uncomfortable about your belly or something particular like that maybe wear those magic tummy sucking in shorts underneath your outfit. Whack on some heels and a smile. Try to remember there must be a…
  • you look so different! if you hadn't said so I wouldnt have realised both sets were the same person!
  • I love the quote in your sig, kate moss i think? i use that to try help motivate myself too! Good luck with your journey :)
  • I think buckmank's idea is a good one! In terms of food, ive recently discovered the beauty of homemade tortilla pizza - virtually no carbs compared to normal pizza, just as tasty and as low fat as you like. I just grab a tortilla, spread some tomato and basil sauce over, chuck on some peppers, onions, chicken - whatever…
  • i do my workout split into two one hour sessions, it stops me from getting too tired or bored and means i can fit them around my day as it changes (e.g. do them quite close together or one in the morning one in the evening etc) hope that helps :)
  • Congrats! That must feel amazing! :)
  • I would say you should weigh in. Then you know how it has affected you. Also if you only weigh at the end of next week then you wont be able to see how you've lost the excess weight from the weekend. Just be prepared before you step on the scales and let it help get you motivated for next week :)
  • Thanks Gembo82! bikinimission im glad youre feeling remotivated now, good luck for reaching your goal too!! :)
  • What i use to help me get on the bike is TV. If theres a program i really want to watch or i realise im just sat watching TV doing nothing I try to think to myself, i could be doing this on the bike. I think cycling in front of the TV is great cause it can make it more enjoyable! Good luck with your weight loss :)
  • Thanks for all the ideas guys! I will see how weighing on tuesday goes (1 week from when i started on here) and if i feel like its not working looks like ive got plenty of ideas!
  • Okay well I guess that's confirmed it. I've got to get better will power! stfuandrun - i will definitely try putting the scale AWAY, hopefully that will help! DocNorton - thanks for the motivational speech! thanks everyone! i will try to keep the scales at bay until Tuesday :)
  • "After peeing. Naked. With dry hair." - definitely! and before ive eaten anything! do you ever get the urge to weigh in sooner though? and if so how do you cope?
  • Hi there, I do my exercise mostly on an exercise bike and I burn about 700-900 calories (depending on how hard i want to work) in an hours, measured on the little monitor on my exercise bike. If you don't have an exercise bike just cycling out and about would also work. Hope that helps :)