weissjoel82 Member


  • I'm beginning to get the feeling that the title of my lasagna has scared people off....:frown:
  • I can sympathize, the superbowl munchies got me all out of wack too, but you just need to recalibrate over the next few days, and it'll be fine.
  • Sorry about the title, but I have put effort into getting proper ratios of macronutrients for this lasagna. This is a good recipe for people who have trouble getting their protein intake up. Ingredients 700ml-1000ml - spaghetti sauce(depending on the size of your casserole dish) 1 - zuchinni sliced, 1 cup mushrooms sliced…
  • kind of high in sugar, but better than other packaged products I spose, and tasty.
  • I have alot of trouble getting my protein up too, I guess I could eat 20 hardboiled egg whites, or 3-4 chicken breasts, but I agree, its hard to keep the fats and sugars down if I eat my protein in a meal. I feel like I need to eat hardboiled eggs, brown rice, chicken breast and one apple a day to get the right balance.…
  • fun fact, there is as much caffeine in 1 venti brewed drip coffee as there are in 6 shots of espresso.
  • yes, this is a struggle, especially in Calgary where the humidity is very low, I usually drink 16-24 cups of water....which makes me think I might be washing all the nutrients out of my body..
  • Good water talk, but what is more astounding is that you've lost 209 lbs, wow! Post a before and after.
  • I love espresso, just black, I like to drink between 2-10 shots a day, the caloric value is very low at 5 cals a shot and 75mg of caffeine each, I'm just wondering if anyone has an educated response to how this might effect weight loss. Anyways, I figure its better to indulge in coffee than greasy pizza, beer, or ice…
  • I want to buy it for my fiancé, but they don't make it for the PS3, I think I'll buy a WII just for that reason. I've also heard good things about the WII fit.