

  • It could be that you need to up your calorie intake with all that exercise your body might not be getting enough and going to "starvation" mode so it will hold on to everything you are putting in. Also changing up your exercise helps you shock your muscles and get over plateaus.
  • Turkey burgers on sandwich thins w/ whatever toppings you prefer (I like swiss, tomato, and avacado) are great. I had that the other night with grilled asparagus on the side and it was under 450 cals for the whole thing. Also kabobs are a good option. I do them all kinds of ways with chicken or shrimp and veggies them…
  • I use beachbody workouts b/c I have found they are the most complete. As in, I can just buy one program and it gives me all my workouts both cardio and strength training. Plus it also comes with online support, a personal fitness coach, and a nutritional guide. I have done a lot of them. I could recommend a good one for…
  • I just googled how many calories are burned during the average turbofire video I found a site that had figures listed. Obviously you won't be exact (I always round down a little to be on the safe side) but then i just add it in as cardio and put my own cals burned in. The best way to figure out how many your burning it…
    in turbofire Comment by jstaff87 March 2012
  • I am doing Turbofire too! I am mixing it with Chalean Extreme it's nice b/c I get strength training and cardio and keeps me from getting bored. The moves get easier with TF once you memorize the DVDs haha. Chalene's sister Jenelle told me to just keep at it even if I couldn't keep up then one day you realize how much…
  • It took me almost 3wks to see any results on the scale. Try using body measurements at least at first it's def. more encouraging.
  • I am a beachbody coach (I don't really run so I can't give personal advice on that) BUT from the POV of "coaching" people without having formal fitness training...whenever I am working with someone I make sure to ask them what their goals are first. It's important to find out where they want to be at the end. That should…
  • I have seen people at the gym with knee braces working their upper body with weights and their abs by sitting on one of those large inflatable balls and resting their hurt leg as if sitting in a chair. I'm not a doctor or a fitness expert though...I would def. call your doctor and ask what they suggest. Usually they have…
  • I have done Insanity off an on a few times. It does work but it takes a lot of effort just like any good workout, its tough. The nice part is it's 60days and you can do it at home and it doesn't require any equipment. I ended up switching to a different beachbody workout called Turbfire b/c I just liked the stype of the…