DeeZaster Member


  • How's it going for you?
  • Just started it. On day 4. It does the job of suppressing appetite very well. I went to McDonald's to get my kids something on the way to their dance practice, and I wasn't tempted to order anything for myself besides a coffee. The food smelled delicious but I had no desire to eat any. That was miraculous for me. The…
  • WOW! Congrats! You look amazing! I would be happy and probably just want to stay at THAT weight for a while- IF i could get there! Looks life to me! Not perfect- but not overdone either.. You just look like your normal average person now! be Proud! WOW Im so HAPPY FOR YOU! I hope one day I post something similar!
  • I completely agree with this. If you'e bigger, it will come off so easy, but yeah it gets harder eventually- havent got there myself but I know aiming for the stars is nice, but once you start to lose- re evaluate your self and your goals, because this isnt the first time Ive heard it gets hard. And once its gets hard- its…
  • Sounds SO good! I wanna try them!
  • lol I had to share you with facebook. You're amazing. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief that you're actually real, but you are! if and when I reach my goal, you are the first on my Thank you list. Such an inspiration to us all. Your wife must be pretty proud to call you her man!!
  • Wow your face has really changed! you look like a different person! Thats awesome, you look great- definitely have a lot more "life" showing through... you look happy in previous pictures, but its alot more radiant now. Keep Up the Great work, i cant wait to one day look like you!
  • @Sherell Thanks, Youre very Helpful!
  • IN retrospect too, When I was 9 1/2 months pregnant, I still didnt think i looked pregnant.. So I guess I know how it feels LOL. And looking back- Whoa nelly I was definitely pregnant! It looked like I swallowed an exercise ball! Dont beat yourself up though, cuz you're doing great and definitely an improvement!
  • Honestly in my opinion, it looks like you've lost a good 20lbs! I can def see a difference.. your tummy is SHRINKING!! So Jealous!
  • I thought the video said up to 1000 for an hour. In the intro video. Or maybe it was on the infomercial. lol. Either way- its good stuff- do it and keep it up! Zumba rocks!
  • Hey! Once I can see through my tears here...... Ok. You're a complete inspiration and I am so happy for you. I Do have a few questions though if that's ok! First of all, You said you started in January? 9 Months? Thats it?!?!?! Second.. How hard is your lifestyle to maintain vs your old one? Unrealistic.. or do you get…
  • Maybe instead of "boozing it up" so to speak you should be finding people who are interested in the active things you do.. gym buddies.. jogging buddies, etc. Someone who'd rather go eat sushi vs. McDonalds.. Being active shouldn't confine you! It should do the opposite! You could always go to a bar and drink diet pop or a…
  • So true. Don't watch how much other people are losing.. We're not all made the same, and we wont all lose the same. The fact that we're trying is the only thing holding us all together! We are a support Network, not a Competition! :))) PS: Just eat the extra calories.. I think its Ok to indulge here and there- come on.. If…
  • Just keep trying. Ive been waiting 18months for my weight to come off. It doesn't happen with Magic, you have to work. My friend who recently had a baby showed me that. She did the whole p90x once her son hit 6 months and now- hes 9 months and shes FINALLY pre preggo weight. You have to remember what came off during birth…
  • nallen2405 Couldn't have said it better.. Mine is My son as well. Since becoming pregnant and having my son (18 months) I have gained a total of 40lbs that has done nothing but made itself comfortable. He is my inspiration and my motivation- without him, I probably wouldn't care how big I am! I am all on my own, so when he…
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