hello all my name is Alesha i am 21 years old i just had a daughter 4 month ago today.... i am looking to loose the baby weight i need to reach my pre pregnancy weight of 120 pounds and breat feeding is not helping as much as i had hoped!! so if any ones has any tips or advice let me know!! :smile:


  • dodoodoodo
    dodoodoodo Posts: 101 Member
    i am in the same exact boat as you! except my goal weight is 140 and i am 23, but everyone said breastfeeding would make the weight come right off super fast and that's not happening to me! i have a 8 week old son :)
  • DeeZaster
    DeeZaster Posts: 18 Member
    Just keep trying. Ive been waiting 18months for my weight to come off. It doesn't happen with Magic, you have to work. My friend who recently had a baby showed me that. She did the whole p90x once her son hit 6 months and now- hes 9 months and shes FINALLY pre preggo weight.
    You have to remember what came off during birth is just baby, but all the weight you gained on your own has had 9 months to get comfortable. If you push hard enough you CAN lose it, but thats what celebrities with unlimited resources do, so I dont recommend it, unless youre rich enough to hire a personal Trainer, and cook.
    People say in general, it takes as long to take off as it did to put on, so dont beat yourself up over it and just keep motivated and happy! Stress plays a big part in weight gain and with wee ones like you have, you have alot on your plate already! I wasn't happy until I got to 9 months with my son. So watch your stress, try to watch what you're eating and once you feel you are able to take on more- then do it, but don't push yourself! You'll just get hurt!
    Breastfeeding is a funny thing also. They say you lose weight but its because when you're nursing, you never have time to eat! Youre constantly feeding the baby! Plus there are calories in your milk right.. so if you seem to be eating more now that youre nursing, or eating higher calorie foods you're just replacing what the baby took. But dont starve yourself to make up for it, or else The baby isnt getting proper nutrition. Like I said just honestly play it by ear and take it slow. Every SINGLE mom has to go through what we are, so we're not alone, and noone is judging you except you.
    Nevermind that- noone is even looking at you anymore now that you have a cute little baby around all the time!
    Try looking up healthy foods with plenty of nutrition but less carbs. And try to snack on something as often as you can.
    Carbs are a sugar your body stores incase you starve. every food has them. If you eat less carbs (stor less sugar) and eat more frequently- your body will use those carbs as energy, but if you only eat once a day the carbs turn into fat- because you're body doesnt know when its going to eat again- so it just automatically freaks out and starts storing food- like Squirrels do when winter is coming.
    I probably suck at explaining this, only because I am just learning for myself, but it makes sense and by cutting carbs and sugar- In 3 weeks I have lost 10lbs. I used to drink coffee with alot of sugar. Water helps flush everything so make sure you drink as much as you can and then some! Salt is a nono- it is like a sponge.. it traps water in your body- simulating fat and weight.. drinking more water helps to flush that out though.
    Hope any of this helps you guys, feel free to add me.
    Your Trying to Get rid of baby weight Pal,
    Kristen :)