Success at Last!!

GrayJohn Posts: 74
edited September 21 in Success Stories
Hi everyone

I thought I'd share my story to those struggling to lose weight and keeping active.
From my mid-teens my father left my mother leaving the family home and since then I did a lot of comfort eating to compensate for the way I was feeling. I had just lost my job due to redundancy in the same week my dad left us all. It was tough but knew I had to be strong for everyone else as I was the eldest. This led to a lot of secret eating, going to drive thru's and then hiding the evidence.

Slowly the weight began to creep on, yet I just ate more to make myself "feel better" - anyway this spiralled out of control and wasn't taking care of myself. Years on I had gone from 190lbs to 300lbs! Years of self abuse had taken it's toll on my and by the time I was 25 years old I was really depressed with the weight I had put on and knew something had to be done but found the simplest things hard to do due to my weight. I hated myself. By the time I was 27 I was now 343lbs but in that time I met my wife. A few years on from dating her I asked her to marry me and she said yes!

I wanted to look good for my wedding so I joined a gym and started watching what I was eating - lots of soul searching made me realise that food wasn't my best friend and started cooking fresh ingredients and the weight started to fall off. My motivation was to look good for my wife on our wedding day and lost 70 lbs! I felt great and looked a lot better! The wedding went well and all of a sudden I lost motivation again and went back into my old habits. I put all the weight back on, in just under 3 years I was back at 340lbs. It was horrible, nothing would snap me out of it.

In January this year I started to develop chest pains and my blood pressure was high due to pizza'a, kebabs, McDonalds and KFC. This scared the s**t outta me and knew I had to go through the long process again of losing the weight, not for looking good but to live!!

I rejoined a different gym and cut out all bad foods, no more take outs and no more secret eating. It has been hard, but I had to do it for my health. For me, a switch flicked in my head. Eat bad foods and I could die. No brainer, I want to live a healthy, happy life. No more excuses - hard work and you do get the rewards. I have lost 123 lbs to date and so determined and motivated to get to my 130 lbs goal. Anyone can do this, If I can then anyone can. Believe in yourself and great things will happen. Plan your meals and try to be active.

I try to work out at least 4 times a week now, I now enjoy running, spinning classes and swimming as well as weight training. I also stick to my no eating after 8pm policy and always try to eat in the mornings even though I never feel like it. I've gone from being a 48" inch waist to a 36" and from being a 4xl to a L/xl on top. Happy times!

People out there struggling to find motivation, I hope my story has helped!



  • wvmom30
    wvmom30 Posts: 47 Member
    That is great!!! I hope it stays off for life
  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    My husband and I decided to make changes when we realized that if we die there is no one to take care of our two young boys. We can't control getting hit by a bus, but we sure can control what we eat and how much exercise we get.

    Thanks for sharing your story.
  • Congratulations, and thanks for sharing. Such stories keep up the spirit by us still struggeling....
  • tissyazd
    tissyazd Posts: 221 Member
    Fantastic story!! I bet it feels great to get at your goal. You look awesome and I bet your wife is very proud of you! Congrats!! And, thanks for the inspiration this morning!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    thanks for sharing...and congrats! this is truly inspiring! I agree 100%..... "believe in yourself". Prioritizing and realizing that **you matter** can make all the difference. We all deserve to be the healthiest we can be! Good have so much to celebrate!
  • DeeZaster
    DeeZaster Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! Once I can see through my tears here...... Ok. You're a complete inspiration and I am so happy for you. I Do have a few questions though if that's ok!
    First of all, You said you started in January? 9 Months? Thats it?!?!?!
    Second.. How hard is your lifestyle to maintain vs your old one? Unrealistic.. or do you get used to it pretty fast? I am almost scared to diet because Im scared to relapse. Eating healthy isn't My personal problem.. its portion control.
    Third, Do you honestly have any recommendations for exercises a large person CAN do? I keep checking online but most sites just say to get a trainer. I'm a single stay at home mom. I dont have time/ that kind of money/ or a babysitter to GO workout. I keep buying second hand workout videos at the local thrift stores, but as you know- when you're larger, its harder to move in certain ways.. I have "stuff" in the way! lol.
    I just can't believe you did it. Wow. Success stories are hard to find without the person being paid to sell something. Thank you. You have helped me see that this is REAL and Do-able. Not all hope is lost.
    Also One more.. Would you believe baby steps are a good way to start, until you get comfortable with the new lifestyle, or should a person jump in and just drastically make changes? I am trying baby steps as it stands so I wont relapse later, but I'm only doing it because I personally thought it would be easier and easier to stick to. I don't actually know- cuz if I did, Id look like you- not me LOL
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I know exactly what you mean about the switch flip in your head. I have so many people ask me how I stay motivated. I cant explain it completely. I want to lose my weight more than anything. For me, I need it like I need air. No other option really. You are an inspiration and you look great too! Thanks for the post!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    Congratulations! You are doing awesome! You should be so proud of yourself and I bet your wife is really proud of you too!
    Eating healthy isn't My personal problem.. its portion control.

    One thing I've found that helps me with portion control is to use smaller plates. We used to have big 11 or 12 inch plates but I got some that are 8-9 inches and so it doesn't take as much food to fill it up yet you perceive you are eating more because the plate is full. Same with cereal bowls (I used to be horrible about my cereal servings!)

    You can do this. I think the baby steps are fine if it works for you and you keep moving and doing more. I think it's especially helpful with the exercise. Do what you can do, move the best you can move, but keep moving and keep doing it. You will get better at it and you will lose weight and be able to move more and more as time goes on. Just don't give up. You can do this....we all can. And the success stories on this site are so great for motivation! Good Luck!
  • Pombear
    Pombear Posts: 17 Member
    Really inspirational story. I know what it is like to admit the way you are living your life is unhealthy and can ultimately effect your health. You look awesome and should be really proud of yourself for losing weight again and being successful at it. Welldone!
  • DeeZaster
    DeeZaster Posts: 18 Member
    @Sherell Thanks, Youre very Helpful!
  • Thank you so much for the compliment first of all. It means so much that people recognise the fact that I've worked hard.

    Yes I started on January the 12th this year and to date I've lost 127lbs. I never thought I could of lost that much weight but I've remained focused and determined to change my life for the better. My new lifestyle was hard to adapt to in the first 2-3 months as I was still craving the junk food and beer and I've been told I was a nightmare to live with because of my mood swings. I got passed that by thinking "YOU CAN DO IT" and "I DON'T WANT TO DIE". The way I started it was the way I intended it to be for the duration. For me personally there was no point in doing things half heartedly. I work night shifts also so I know how hard it can be. It's all about managing your time correctly. I used to use things like work or relationship as an excuse and that's what it was. You don't need a personal trainer. I educated myself through the internet and Mens Health magazine. It's cheaper!

    Anything you put your mind to is do able hun, you have just got to remain determined in your head. Sure, there will be bad days/weeks. The trick is not to beat yourself up about it. Bad days/weeks will happen. It's demoralising but keep at it and then the following week, 9 times out of 10 you'll see the rewards and when you do it'll spur you on even more. Hope this helps.

    Good luck, sincerely.
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Wowzers - you look fantastic!
  • emmyworthy
    emmyworthy Posts: 119 Member
    You look like a totally different man!!
  • Thank you so much everyone for such kind words. It really does mean so much to me. Everyone on here has been fantastic. Those nights spent at the gym when my friends were out drinking has paid off.

    Anyone can do this!
  • DeeZaster
    DeeZaster Posts: 18 Member
    lol I had to share you with facebook. You're amazing. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief that you're actually real, but you are! if and when I reach my goal, you are the first on my Thank you list. Such an inspiration to us all. Your wife must be pretty proud to call you her man!!
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    You look so young comapred to old you. Keep it up....
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