Can I eat the calories I didn't eat yesterday?



  • clipsychic
    tagging for later.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I think our calories fluctuate anyway in regard to the amount we are "allowed" to eat based on our level of activities. My workouts aren't consistently X amount of calories and so I am "naturally" jumping around. I don't think it's a good idea to get into the habit of thinking "oh, I had 300 calories left over from yesterday so with workout I can eat 700 calories today" ... But again, mileage may vary what works for one may not work for all ...

    Listen to your body, I think that's the best advice anyone can give. :)
  • byebyebabyfat
    Actually, I worked with a guy who used this sort of diary system to lose over 50 pounds-but he averaged his calorie intake over a week.
    If he had a huge party to go to over the weekend he would save up a few hundred calories a day by eating less and working out a bit more so he could be free to eat the barbeque and have a few extra beers. He lost a lot of weight-so it seemed like it worked. My only complaint with this program is that it totals out days and doesn't have a function to let you average out a week.

    I'm not an expert, but I can't see why not. I've seen diet plans that look at weekly calories, having lower calorie days balanced by higher calories. Some say it's good, keeps your body from getting stuck into a rut. As long as you aren't eating a ton one day and nothing the next.
  • DeeZaster
    DeeZaster Posts: 18 Member
    Just remember this is not about every body else it is about you.

    So true. Don't watch how much other people are losing.. We're not all made the same, and we wont all lose the same. The fact that we're trying is the only thing holding us all together! We are a support Network, not a Competition! :)))

    PS: Just eat the extra calories.. I think its Ok to indulge here and there- come on.. If you're too strict you will never stick with it in the long run! You need to be able to be flexible to an extent.. Just don't make excuses to why you can pig out or whatever. Be realistic. A few hundred calories extra isn't going to kill you, you just gotta do a few extra jumping jacks or whatever to make up for it.

    Google how to burn 100 calories fast and do a few of those when you have days like this and need to go over. Don't punish yourself either though. Just go with the flow! :))
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Actually, I worked with a guy who used this sort of diary system to lose over 50 pounds-but he averaged his calorie intake over a week.
    If he had a huge party to go to over the weekend he would save up a few hundred calories a day by eating less and working out a bit more so he could be free to eat the barbeque and have a few extra beers. He lost a lot of weight-so it seemed like it worked. My only complaint with this program is that it totals out days and doesn't have a function to let you average out a week.

    I'm not an expert, but I can't see why not. I've seen diet plans that look at weekly calories, having lower calorie days balanced by higher calories. Some say it's good, keeps your body from getting stuck into a rut. As long as you aren't eating a ton one day and nothing the next.

    I have to confess I have saved up calories for the weekend on more than one occasion.

    This whole business is a life-changing plan, therefore planning for parties, dos and BBQs are always going to happen if they were a regular occurrence before the weight loss plans. This time though, it is different because whereas before people would stuff their faces all week and then party on at the weekend, now, because of correct eating,exercise and control, they can save for the parties.

    This comes into its own during maintenance.
  • turbojanem
    one day isn't going to run you into the ditch. and if you can exercise to earn the additional calories that is best.
    know that when you do this, if you weigh daily, you will have more of a roller coaster on the scales. this is OKAY...just don't use that to judge what you eat/do that day. the scales IMO should be a tool, not the deciding factor.

    also...lets look at WHAT you are eating. yes it is about the calories. what you chose to eat WILL make a difference. the bulk and water from low calorie veggies and fruits will help fill you up way before a hunk of low fat cheese. and will not cause your blood sugar to spike and crash like high calorie rice/bread/pasta. the more veggies you eat, the fuller you will feel.

    it's all about balance that works for YOUR body.

    and 20 pounds in a month is not good unless you have a100+ pounds to lose.

    shoot for healthy food choices...fresh and not processed, and you will achieve your goal.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Yes and no. I chose to look at everyday as a 'new' day. It goes on how I'm feeling rather than just looking at the numbers. But I must say, zig zagging my calories seems to work. Try it and see what happens for you.

    If I were you, I would exercise for a good 45 minutes to an hour to earn some more calories and aim for things that are high in protein. That way you are more satisfied. If by the end of the day, you are over by a little bit, no big deal. It may actually work out to your advantage. I was kicking myself for going over one day, so really monitored my calories the next day and lost weight. It just really depends on the demands of your body that day.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Sometimes I do...

    Well more like if I go over my daily intake - I know that my cals burn from the previous day or week that I didn't consume back will cover it =)

    This is another reason why I don't log my cals from cleaning (aka daily activities I should be doing anyways as a SAHM/W). i look at these as my safety net cals.

    I had days were I went over my cals and still seen a loss the next day =)
  • iAlly
    iAlly Posts: 66
    Theoretically yes you can use yesterdays deficit as long as over the long term you eat less calories that you need.

    But it is a good idea to try to earn the extra calories you need if you can.

    Most importantly I'd say allow yourself some occasional days when you go a little over the limit

    Sometimes life just takes over, a party or a big meal or a stressful day at work and you end up eating more calories than you are supposed to.

    Allow that to happen. Don't feel guilty and most certainly don't feel like you've failed or that you can't do it because if you start to think like that then next thing you'll find yourself 6 months later standing on the scales wondering how you managed to put it all back on.

    All the best.
  • CDresp
    CDresp Posts: 204 Member
    Actually yes you can. I often will save (bank) calories (or points) for a couple of days if I know there is a special occasion coming in a few days that I don't want to be stressing about while I am supposed to be enjoying the event. That is not enjoying life. Do this just for a week only.