

  • Thanks!. I really feel I have been doing pretty darn good (95% not 100%) and maybe a concerted effort at 100% is what I need (though 95, even 90%, always worked in the past). I do think some re-calibration might be in process.. My hair was falling out in large clumps until recently so maybe this too will correct. Not sure…
  • Oh my that is daunting as 1500 is my daily allowance but that may be quite accurate. I won't drink (driving so that is easy) or do multiple courses and will just see how it goes. Next time I'll try to target 1000 "in the bank" for a meal out. I almost never go out so it's an infrequent issue! Thanks.
  • I am sure it varies for everyone but for me in the formula of watching what I eat and exercising, reducing my intake goes a lot further in the weight loss domain. That said, there are so many wonderful benefits to exercise (mental health, reduced risk of everything from diabetes to Alzheimer's) that it just makes sense. I…
  • Steroids usually lead to increased appetite so if that is not the reason (e.g., food intake and all else is stable) Also, if adrenal insufficiency is associated with weight loss (I think it is) treating it would naturally lead to weight gain (but obviously a lesser evil) Best to see a doctor for professional advice (glad…
  • Just happy that someone still finds us mommies hot. I am not a makeup at gym person but if I get a glance from someone, at my age, that just feels GREAT and motivation to keep going. I recognize this is shallow but it's true and all the more so as I march toward 40...
  • Wake up hungry. Different from going to bed hungry when the last meal was just a few hours back. In the morning, It seems that your body should be hungry 8-12 hours after its last meal... unless that meal was too big. I consider waking up hungry a great signal.
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