Where am I going wrong?

JacPo Posts: 14 Member
Hello Everyone,
I come to you tonight with a question. I'm not sure if anyone will have an answer but it's worth a shot. Here I go:

I restarted my weightloss process Monday. When I weighed myself I realized I'd gained 4lbs (no prob). All 3 days I stayed under my total caloric daily goal. So how is it that the same scale says I've GAINED 4lbs in 3 days?

Here are the items I'm using to help me out:
Burn 60
Red Clover tea
Matcha Green tea powder

Thanks for your help.


  • - make sure you are weighing yourself at the same time daily (I weigh in the morning as soon as I get up)
    - are you drinking more water or fluids? that can cause weight too
    - what are you eating? ensure you are eating healthy foods, a lot of veggies and fruits are negative calorie foods...which
    means it takes more calories to digest them then it does eating them...try to get your self on a routine of the same foods
    daily and one day a week let yourself eat whatever you want, when you are craving a food make yourself wait until your
    day of the week to eat anything you want and see if you still want the food you craved
    - carry a picture on you or in your phone of either a fat picture or a skinny picture of yourself to motivate yourself.
    - ensure you exercise at least three times a week (you will build muscle and burn fat, weight loss will be slow, but it will
    stay off, remember dieting never works, changing your life style forever is what really works.
    Hope this helps :)
  • Hey there!

    That's great to hear that you are back on track with your workouts! :)

    I highly suggest that you write down your weight and DO NOT touch the scale again for about 3 weeks. Your weight fluctuates every single day and the scale can be a huge "debbie downer" if you jump on it every day and you don't see the numbers move, even though you are working out and eating better. The weight will drop, just not instantly ;) Think about it this way, you didn't gain all your weight overnight, nor will it fall off over night either.

    Few key tips:
    - Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water (half of your body weight in ounces) every day.
    - As soon as you wake-up do some sort of quick 5-10minute workout at home (to get your body moving & woken up)
    - 5 small meals a day (never get to the point where you are starving!)

    So far it sounds like you are on the right track! :) Good luck to you! :)
  • JacPo
    JacPo Posts: 14 Member
    It does make sense to weigh myself at the same time each day. My initial plan (to be honest) was to simply eat until I ran out of calories. Luckily, I haven't gone over my calories and I'm proud. Others that I know (Dave) have lost weight without the workout and following MFP. Exercise for me has been mainly non-existent. HOWEVER, I do plan on joining my local gym as it now fits into my budget. I'll be doing this as soon as next week. My sneakers came in the mail today and I wouldn't have time to go anytime this week. I'm not necessarily eating healthier but less. I decided to join the gym because I didn't want to feel as though I were depriving myself of foods I wanted.
  • shakenit
    shakenit Posts: 10
    I am sure it varies for everyone but for me in the formula of watching what I eat and exercising, reducing my intake goes a lot further in the weight loss domain. That said, there are so many wonderful benefits to exercise (mental health, reduced risk of everything from diabetes to Alzheimer's) that it just makes sense. I hope you do not let the scale de-motivate you. I can lose and gain 4 lbs in a day depending on clothing, liquids, etc. I agree, same time each day is best. Good luck.
  • My weight bounces around more than a child on a trampoline. 4lbs isn't too much to really worry about. If you are truly eating under maintenance (not underestimating how much you eat, I mean) you will see a downward trend in weight. Simple as that.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Are you drinking enough water?? Have you been eating out? All the salt will make you gain.
  • JacPo
    JacPo Posts: 14 Member
    I don't think I'm drinking enough water during the day but when I get home I'm drinking all of the time. I've substituted water for anything else I would have normally drank with my dinner. In the last few days I've eaten out once. I went to Outback and had a half a salad.