The HOT mommy at the gym debate



  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I started thinking about this post and come to an interesting conclusion about myself. When I was much larger and not very self assured in my appearance, I focused more on how my hair and makeup looked in the gym. I suppose on some level I was saving as much "face" as possible at that weight. Now that I lean a little more toward "slender" I worry far less about my appearance at the gym. As a matter of fact, I take a certain amount of pride in every drop of sweat these days. I love it when my outward appearance reflects all the work I'm putting in. Funny- I went from covering up the fat in baggy sweats to wearing cute tight running pants and sleeveless running tanks back to baggy sweats to work up the sweat. It's a curious thing - how my perspective keeps evolving. Ultimately, everyone has reasons behind how they are comfortable dressing and grooming for the gym. To each their own.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    I could care less how other people look at the gym, usually I've got my music blaring in my earphones and I'm "in the zone" to kick some *kitten*. My *kitten* that is :)
    I look like crap going in the gym, and I look even worse coming out. I don't G.A.F.
    I am there for ME. If I'm there to impress anyone, it's gonna be MY trainer ;D
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    When I work out to the gym I workout rough. If I play soccer like yesterday it's with an 8 lb ball, when I life I lift heavy too (250lb leg press and 90lb bench yesterday)
    I workout for at least 2.5 hrs at a time and half way through my hair is falling all over the place, I am dripping sweat and when I used to wear mascara it was everywhere and very embarrassing. So I stopped wearing make up and got used to readjusting my hair while working out.

    My opinion on people who want to look nice and can do it is go for it. With my goals and what I like to do I can't; I like playing rough way too much, and it makes me feel better than looking pretty does too.
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    I am a mommy to 3,I am a stay at home mom and the only time that I get to get out without my kids,is when I go to the Gym! I put on powder (not anything that will slide off my face) eyeliner,mascara,put my hair in a bun,ponytail,or wear my hat.If you think that I am putting on my makeup for anyone but myself you are DEAD WRONG!! when I go out I try to look my best...yes even if I am going to the Gym and sweating!!! I feel better about myself when I look my best.I wear my workout pants and a wife beater (in pretty girly colors!) I really don't think you have the right to judge ANYONE,for what they are wearing or how they decide to come to the gym!!!
    I also am going to school for personal Training and I want ot look my best at all never know I might have a person that wants me to train them!! In the end I do it for MYSELF and NO ONE ELSE!!!!!!:smile:
  • I have never noticed. Most of the time when I get to the gym I'm in my comfy gym clothes. Sometimes when I get there right after work I do look like I'm dolled up, but that's not intentional. Overall, I don't pay any more attention to women who get all pretty then to men who make odd comments while lifting weights. (Like "ohhh yeah") When I'm there at the gym I'm there for me and notbody else. I actually don't understand why people care about the appearance or motives of people who go to the gym. If those women are competing with each other as to who can look best while lifting 5 lb weights, who cares? What's worse, that they have a competition with their friends that motivates them to look their best and work out or looking frumpy and not taking care of themselves?
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    This is why when I worked out I did it with the boys at the gym that did not have classes and only had weights and a few machines. I had to go out and run if I wanted to do cardio cause they didn't even have a treadmill. Women love to compete against each other. They always try to outdo each other and look better. I'm all for wearing cute workout clothes that match and even matching your shoes to the clothes but makeup and anything other than a ponytail is a waste for me. I sweat and I stink when I work out.

    I will say this though now that I am almost 40 my "friends" who liked to compete and out do each other with the makeup are now using $200 facial creams and getting botox. I can wash my face with Cetaphil and throw on some Neutragena with sunscreen. Not a wrinkle or crows feet in sight on my face without surgical or medical intervention.
  • My ticker below says it all...

    When I go to the gym, it's about the only "me" time I have all week long. I'm there for one reason and one reason only. I try to avoid all eye contact, not to be rude but because the gym is not a place where I want to socialize. If someone does catch my eye, I do my best to not judge. With that being said, I am more likely to notice the women who is red faced and dripping with sweat. In my head I'm thinking something like "Wow. You look like you had an awesome workout. Great job!"
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    To be 100% honest, I am a gym bunny... As in my clothes always match(if they don't, I freak) and I just spent 20 minutes in ****'s Sporting Goods trying to pick out weight lifting gloves(I was worried they would clash with my outfits!). If I happen to have make up on when I come in from work.. great.. and if I happen to remember to wipe it off before I workout, thats great too.

    I also sweat like a pig, lift weights and don't care how red I get... I just feel better about myself when I look good and not like some sloppy mess who just wandered out of bed and into the gym.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    My opinion is that you can look super hot or you can get a good workout, but you can't do both at the same time.

    I am a mommy and depending on the day, I think both can be done. If I go straight from work, I have make up on. I throw my hair up into a ponytail, pick up those heavy weights, bust my *kitten*, am dripping in sweat and I think I look super hot doing it :tongue: It is possible that I am the only one who thinks I look hot though, :laugh:

    But seriously, it doesn't matter to me either way how a person is dressed or how much make up she has on. All I know is whether or not I have make up on, I know I'm there for business and I work my *kitten* off every time. I do it all for me :wink: To each their own!!
  • Just happy that someone still finds us mommies hot. I am not a makeup at gym person but if I get a glance from someone, at my age, that just feels GREAT and motivation to keep going. I recognize this is shallow but it's true and all the more so as I march toward 40...
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    They could come in there rocking stilettos if they want too, i'm there for me.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    if i could be bothered and had unlimited spare time, i'd love to look super hot everywhere i went.

    but i simply don't prioritise it. I just don't have enough time. I put other things first. i give myself an hour at the gym every day, which is a massive chunk of my time. i'd rather turn up looking "whatever" than wasting an extra half an hour in hair and makeup and not get the exercise i need.

    if i had the self control with food that i could turn up and do a half an hour of walking and have the body of my dreams, i'd love it even more, but unfortunately i love food, and i need to exercise hard, so it's pointless getting all done up becuase my make up would run and my hair gets frizzy and out of control because of the excessive amount of sweat.

    half the time, i end up wearing my sweaty gym clothes all day, and quickly change into a something less daggy and stinky before school run in the afternoon, but makeup and a new fresh hairstyle, nup, just don't have time for that.
  • I don't go to the gym anymore, but when I did, I was the type who had sweat stains running down my armpits, chest and back. My hair was haphazardly stuck in a ponytail and was usually sticking out everywhere. I never paid attention to the other women there because I was so focused on my workouts. I do think it's silly to spend money on a gym membership then lift 5lb weights with makeup on and your hurr did. Seems like a waste of money to me.
  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member
    I don't really bother with what anyone else is doing at the gym so long as it doesn't intrude on my work out. But I see guys working out in baseball caps or beanies. Why?
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I personally like to look cute at the gym, that's how I feel comfy. I don't care what other women are wearing. I just wish they would get that giving me dirty looks doesn't burn any calories. Encountered this in both coed and all female gyms.
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    Well first I think anyone that it is going to the gym daily to workout is awesome no matter what they look like. When woman have long hair and it is down all I can think of is man they must be so hot with that hair all over them, but honestly if that is the way they roll...Rock on and high five to them and if they can look good doing it...Awesome!

    However in saying that, I am a wreck...most of the time I come right after work so I usually have some make up on although I am much more the natural looking makeup look and then put my hair in a ponytail. By the time I am done with my workout, I am sweating like crazy, my hair is all wet, my shirt is usually drenched and I am sure my once sweet smelling workout clothes are not so sweet. I do like nice workout clothes because they feel better than a pair of sweats but honestly I am there to work out hard and show up the guys..the women I don't care about, I just want to kick the guys *kitten*
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    This is why i invested in workout equipment and moved my operation to home. That way, I can look like a hot stinking (literally) mess and no one cares! Not that they did anyway, but I always worried about being "presentable" when I should have been focusing on my workout.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Interesting question.

    If you ask me they're probably "on the pull" which is a quaint old fashioned way to say they are "looking for action"..

    Anyone trying that hard that much of the time to look really hot, they've baited they hook and are likely fishing for something/someone.. hehe

    Although some women do seem to do it more out of competitiveness to other women.

    And some people just look hot anyway, even if they're not all primped up.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    But another thought.. I keep seeing articles that say people dressed to the nines get better treatment when they work corporate jobs or have to fly on a plane for example.

    I dress up sometimes because I want to be treated more like a VIP and it does work in some environments.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Well, if they're HOT, they must be doing something right with those 5lb dumbbells right??
    Genetics does wonders for females who only use 5lbs dumbells.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition