Scared the scale seems stuck post hysterectomy

I turn 40 next week and had a hysterectomy due to a very large fibroid that was blocking my bladder in May. Everything thing went enormously well and I feel active and recovered and of course it is really nice to be able to pee again :-). I have never been naturally thin, not even as a kid, but have always been able to lose weight by religiously following a plan. I was in near tears this morning after being so active and calorie counting on myfitnesspal since Thanksgiving, I was rewarded this morning with tight jeans and the scale being up. I will keep plugging along but I am scared. What if something in my body just changed and I can no longer lose weight? I am up 8 lbs since a year ago and worried not only will I be unable to lose it but I might keep gaining. Has anyone been there and found their way out? I have never found the scale to be so stubborn and inexplicably up despite my efforts. Words of wisdom or support strongly welcomed.


  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    The go-to answers on this from people are going to be that you're eating too much or not logging properly, so if you want people to be able to give advice on whether the problem might be with calories in/out, you're going to need to open up your food diary. Second most popular answer is probably going to be hormone changes from the hysterectomy, in which case going to the doctor to get checked out is the only solution.

    FWIW, I have two friends who have had hysterectomies, both under the age of 40, who have been able to lose weight and maintain.
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    I had a similar surgery and the scale stuck for me for 4 months. It sucked, but eventually, the correct logging and powering through (while my body readjusted) won out (now, I'm back to trying to lose again, but that was my bad, and I admit that).

    Give it some time for your body to recalibrate before you freak too much. :) Add me if you need a friend.
  • Thanks!. I really feel I have been doing pretty darn good (95% not 100%) and maybe a concerted effort at 100% is what I need (though 95, even 90%, always worked in the past). I do think some re-calibration might be in process.. My hair was falling out in large clumps until recently so maybe this too will correct. Not sure how to share my diary or add friends but will at least look into the latter. (not quite as embarrassing as not knowing who "Macklemore" is during the NY Eve game of celebrity, apparently I am 40 going on 80) Thanks for the helpful replies; warmly appreciated. I feel motivated to just keep plugging along, exactly what I was hoping to achieve. Thank you.