erinliz Member


  • I think the best relationships are the ones in which both individuals support the other's goals and those things which make them stronger, healthier and happier. My husband and I decided from the beginning that we would always encourage and support each other in all things that make us better as individuals and as a couple.
  • I'm not all the way through yet, but in 1 month I'm down 3 lbs and 11.5 inches (combined chest, waist, hips, bicep, thigh and calf). I don't do it every day, maybe 3-4 x per week. On other days I might run or do some weights. I have one rest day a week. :) All I know is I am so glad I measured!!!
  • Almost a month later: Beginning: Now: Neck - 13.5 Neck - 13 (-0.5) Chest - 42 Chest - 38 (-4) Waist - 38.5 Waist - 36 (-2.5) Hips - 43 Hips - 41 (-2) Bicep - 12 Bicep - 11.5 (-0.5) Thigh - 21.5 Thigh - 20 (-1.5) Calf - 15 Calf - 14.5 (-0.5) TOTAL INCHES LOST: 11.5!!! Before Weight 174 lbs Weight Now 172 lbs [/quote]
    in Level 1 Comment by erinliz March 2012
  • Started today! Beginning measurements: Neck - 13.5 Chest - 42 Waist - 38.5 Hips - 43 Bicep - 12 Thigh - 21.5 Calf - 15 Weight 174 lbs
    in Level 1 Comment by erinliz February 2012
  • Wow! Great job! I'm currently stuck in the 160's and looking forward to the 150's and 140's! :) Go you!
  • Here's the calculator I used to get me started: My daily calories varied from 1300-1800 during the week with this, so I never dropped below 1200/day.
  • You look great! So proud of you! :happy:
  • I'm totally with you on this one! I have noticed that I actually get dressed in front of my mirror now, instead of hiding from it. I have a way to go still, but seeing the progress is FUN!. Enjoy it! :happy:
  • Here's to hoping for that huge loss after! :drinker:
    in TOM Comment by erinliz July 2010
  • Don't give up! I know how you feel, though. I am down over 20 lbs, and have been fluctuating the same 2 lbs for the past 3 weeks. No loss at all! :( I don't know if it's water retention, a plateau or what.....but my plan is to just stick it out for the rest of July. I will either start losing again or not. I have changed…
  • Oh my gosh! You look great! Way to go!
  • I go through a LOT of green tea, as I only drink water and tea (along with my 1 cup of coffee a day:smile: ). I quit soda several months ago and I think that alone has made a huge difference for me. I love STASH and TAZO as far as green tea goes. I put several tea bags in a big pitcher, pour a whole pot of hot water over…
  • Wow! What a difference! You look great!
  • Cookie-Ha! I don't really think of my abs as flat, but my tummy is certainly better than before. :smile: I don't really do anything special.....I think the weight is just coming off a little bit from everywhere! I do lift weights and I like some of the ab machines at the gym though. Natalie-I'm 5'6. 198 to 170? Awesome!…
  • I don't eat a lot of meat, but I like some protein in the morning to keep me feeling full....especially since I usually work out in the morning and I get SO HUNGRY!!! I like to make breakfast sandwiches. My current favorite is egg and cheese on one of those whole wheat sandwich thins. Only about 260 calories and keeps me…
  • Thanks everyone! I needed some encouragement....I was happily watching the weight drop sloooooowly for a while, but I've been getting impatient. It helps to see that the hard work really is paying off. I can't wait to post pics after 20 more lbs! :tongue:
  • OK....finally got them posted! :)
  • human chorionic gonadotropin
  • Mine doesn't seem to update on it's own either. I have been entering my new weights, but it didn't seem to transfer over to my goal page. I guess it's more of a technical question.....although it's not a problem to manually update the goals every so often.
  • WOW!!! :noway: :noway: :noway:
  • I couldn't function on 500 calories a day! And I always wonder.....what happens when you go off the diet and increase your calories? I can keep the lifestyle I've started now for the rest of my life. I certainly believe diets like this will help you lose weight.....but will you be able to keep it off? That's my goal -…
  • Let's do this again! SW July 1 - 168.4 GW Aug 1 - 163 Keep it going everyone! :wink:
  • My YMCA has a child watch. It's the greatest thing ever!
  • Thanks everyone! I still have a hard time believing this is actually working! Why didn't I do it sooner? :)
  • June 1 - 175 June 30 - 168.4 I lost 6.6 lbs this month. :) Yay!!!!!
  • It took me 4 months to lose the first 10. I lost the second 10 in 2 months when I started really tracking my calories and increased my workouts from 2-3x/week to 4-5x/week. I think tracking my food has made the biggest change, though! I am shooting for about 5 lbs per month from now on.
  • Good for you! 200's no more!
  • Look at you! What an inspiration. I bet you feel amazing!