Foskeylady Member


  • Thank you for your suggestion. I am training to do my first half and I wanted a schedule that I could easily understand. I have printed out the Hal Higdon's training program and can see that it will easily fit into my schedule with mild tweaking. Happy Running! :<)
  • Ok here is another issue, I ordered this for a luncheon today from a wonderful Italian restaraunt : SALMON grilled with garlic spinach - orzo - lemon-caper sauce. How on earth do I calculate this meal? I don't know everything that went into making this. Anyone care to take a stab at it for me? :<)
  • Thank you guys, you have comforted me and also motivated me to get home and put in a little exercise. Some months are better than others, this one is just a rough one. I normally run about 3 miles 4-5 times a week, and do some stationary biking. I ran my 3 miles last night and ever since I just felt really run down, so I…
  • Yes I plan on getting on the treadmill and/or stationary bike tonight when I get home, it does make you feel better and seems so backward in thinking!
  • Yeah I know, this is more of a venting post, but seriously was wondering if our bodies during this time require a bit more for our energy levels. I just feel so run down.
  • When you workout, those additional calories are for you to eat to refuel your body. When your body burns off calories it need more to continue running your metabolic rate. Essentially if you don't refuel, your body stalls and sets itself in a starvation mode, it will start storing because it's not sure when it will get…
  • Good Morning, I've been on and off of this site for a while now and I love it. This site helped me lose my 35lbs and i couldn't be more please. I have put back on about 10lbs and need to get serious again, so here I am again. By the way, can somebody help me with posting a new topic? I can' seem to figure out how to start…
  • I saw someone mention you were a vegetarian, sorry if I didn't pick up on that, but you still can have garden burgers, Beans and whatever proteins vegatarians eat, but the important thing is to eat some protein.
  • I definitely think you need to eat more substantial foods. While fruit is good, too much can be an excessive amount of sugar. I think you need to up the protein (lean meats like chicken, fish), green vegies, like spinach, broccoli, kale etc.., allow for some whole grains, some carbs are good but also in moderation and…
  • That's funny! I can see it being a compliment, but when I'm feeling down and out and hear that, it doesn't make me feel better I know that much. LOL