Figuring out how to calorie count certain foods!! Help

I try really hard to log what I eat but sometimes I find it very difficult to do this. For example, I had a bunch of hard boiled eggs that I needed to make into an egg salad, so I did and only used 2 tablespoons of Kraft mayo along with a bit of salt and pepper. I wanna say there was a total of 6 eggs, but I honestly forgot to count. Long story short, I had about a cup of the mix today for lunch, no bread but can't figure out how to log this correctly. My guess is there was probably at least 2 full eggs in there, which would be at least 170 calories, but now how do I measure the mayo? I guess it was probably a total of 250 calories that I had. It can get very frustrating logging I have to say. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this easier?



  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    I would build a recipe and divide it into servings and use that to log the information.
  • lmbigsby
    lmbigsby Posts: 36
    If you have an Android or other smart phones you can use the bar code scanner. I love that feature then you can just adjust your servings but it gives you all the accurate counts.
  • fit921
    fit921 Posts: 92 Member
    Enter the ingredients into the recipe calculator. Figure out how many "1 Cup" servings your recipe made and go from there.
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    I get annoyed with this too, it can be hard to get around. Freezerburn20 is right, what I do when I'm making something like soup or salad that I'm going to have over more than one meal, I enter it as a new recipe, and say that it serves 4. Then I portion it out into 4 containers, so I know all the serves are the same :) Hope that helps
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If you start using the recipe tool, you will find these kind of things much easier - most of the meals I eat don't come with bar codes (they are made from actual food not packets of stuff) so I just look for the MFP entered data for veggies, meat etc (the entries without a *) and enter them into the recipe section.
    Then I take a guess as to how many servings and adjust it if my guess was out. I usually give my husband a bigger portion than me, so typically I will enter 5 servings in one meal - that means two larger serves for him and 2 regular sized serves for me.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I <heart> the recipe tool. I make a lot of homemade things - including breads, soups, pasta sauces, dips, and jellies/jams. The only way I can accurately keep track is to create my own recipes and put in realistic serving numbers. For instance, my "Daily Bread" recipe is my bread recipe that I bake, but I don't say it's 24 servings, because realistically, we have 1" slices (too hard to slice it thinner). The recipe tool does the tough calculations to determine how it all works out per serving.
  • Foskeylady
    Foskeylady Posts: 14 Member
    Ok here is another issue, I ordered this for a luncheon today from a wonderful Italian restaraunt : SALMON grilled with garlic spinach - orzo - lemon-caper sauce. How on earth do I calculate this meal? I don't know everything that went into making this. Anyone care to take a stab at it for me? :<)
  • popalud
    popalud Posts: 4 Member
    I had the same problem w/ lunch that you had. I typically find something similar in the MFP database, increase the portions(1.25...), then workout a little longer than usual. If you underestimate, then you are not doing yourself any favors.

    That's what I do. I used to freak out about it, but I realized that getting "close" (and you will never actually know...) is the best you can do in these situations, but I make sure I follow through w/ my workouts.

    Good luck.