Probably Best for Women only (I said probably but opinions a



  • gayatrik
    gayatrik Posts: 173
    Yeah I know, this is more of a venting post, but seriously was wondering if our bodies during this time require a bit more for our energy levels. I just feel so run down.

    Yes., body requires a few more calories.. I would say carbs during that period. I would whatever u feel like at that time but if your body permits try to do little walking or anything small... A friend of mine suggested that "during those days, we tend to burn more cals in less time".. she was on MFP and lost 20lbs in 3 months with healthy eating and exercise and thats what she mentioned while telling her story.

    So eat as you want and try to do a little work-out along. It should be good. And if 1 week of eating gives energy to go for 3 weeks of doing it right then i believe we should take it :) as long as we aren't off track completely!
  • I agree with planning and exercising. I work three jobs so run-down is par for the course, but that TOTM is even worse. But exercising really will make you feel better. I usually run, but when I'm really down, I tell myself all I have to do is just walk, for 20-30 minutes. Once I get up and going, I usually end up running and feeling much better. But small steps are key. Knowing that all I have to do is walk makes it easier to get up and moving.

    I also plan on having treats and other things I know I will crave. Iron is important and I will crave red meat, so I have a steak or something, 4-5 oz. I will want ice cream, so I have some. Knowing that I am allowing myself makes me feel in control and less likely to overdo it. Plus I still track everything and keep it sensible, I just include those cravings.

    And if I really have a bad day and blow the diet out of the water, I just let it go and start fresh the next day. Feeling bad about it only increases my awful hormonal mood and I will end up doing it again!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I ate what i wanted mostly chocolate! No one dare stop me i would have been likely to bite their head off
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    I ate what i wanted mostly chocolate! No one dare stop me i would have been likely to bite their head off
    That being said i did well on carl and still did exercise walked rather than the wii because i get back pain but stick in there. If i say no to anything at that time i will only end up on a hinge if i say yes i have a little and stop.
  • Foskeylady
    Foskeylady Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you guys, you have comforted me and also motivated me to get home and put in a little exercise. Some months are better than others, this one is just a rough one. I normally run about 3 miles 4-5 times a week, and do some stationary biking. I ran my 3 miles last night and ever since I just felt really run down, so I think I'll just do the bike tonight and take a rest day, get a good nights sleep and pray tomorrow is a better one. Thanks all!
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    Yeah I know, this is more of a venting post, but seriously was wondering if our bodies during this time require a bit more for our energy levels. I just feel so run down.

    My docs (both GP and OBGYN) say we need a little more iron and protein, less sodium and caffeine, and both recommend more frequent but not necessarily more strenuous exercise during TOM.

    I usually make it a point to have a steak around "day 2" and don't drink coffee the first 3 days (coffee makes my cramps worse), and I try to get in a few lunchtime walks. The walks help with my cramps and energy levels too.
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    All you TOM posters.....just weight for menopause, that's the real struggle :(

    A prophetic misspelling of wait, perhaps? I've just started menopause so am now falling on both sides of the fence, never knowing when TOM with come, or as I said to my DH, TOQ - time of quarter. LOL. and then feeling crap when it does. My DH's response is usually that he has it worse because he has to shave every day. Come ON!

    Lol to the above, I'm stealing it - Time of Quarter and I reach for the chocolate when the period finally does come, I can't wait to have no Tom at all !!!
  • I read somewhere (I think Women's Health Magazine) that your metabolism is slightly higher around that time of the month.
  • discombobula
    discombobula Posts: 11 Member
    I have definitely noticed since doing more cardio and actually eating meals and snacks albeit small ones that my energy levels are much higher.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    You need to be more selective about your eating. Planning, planning, planning. If you know your week is coming, then plan meals around less caloric, higher density food. Use that week to go vegetarian once a month.IDk if there are foods you dont eat, but you can eat a pound of broccoli,eggs, fish or turkey, and green vegetables or fruit several times a day and keep calories easily under 1400. Easily.

    You know its coming each month, dont wait for it to show up and then seem clueless. Plan. factor in regular eating to keep your energy from waning. Figure out what you will eat daily, and then split it up into however many meals you need to.

    You couldn't be more right. A good plan can help eliminate a lot of mistakes. I dont use TOM as an excuse to eat a bunch of crap. And I've found that excercise really helps me feel better during those few days. Evening Primrose Oil capsules help too.