

  • I have done a lot of different home workout routines. I have a pretty demanding job and don't really have the time to go to a gym so I find working out at home to be a great option. I can do it on my time and on my schedule. Plus I'm not the type of person that came come up with a workout regimen on my own; I need a little…
  • I did significant rearrangement when I did P90X last summer. It was usually dictated by my work hours. I rarely was able to follow the schedule, but made sure I did all the workouts for the week. I sometimes even had to extend weeks to 8 or 9 days because of work, in the end everything worked out fine; it did take me 4…
  • I find the elliptical is the easiest on my joints and burns roughly the same number of calories per mile. Running even short distance gives me horrible shin splints, but I do like the cardiovascular workout from running so I bought a Lifefitness elliptical. Of all the different brands of ellipticals I tried I think…
  • I log all my workouts under cardiovascular and then use a similar heading like aerobics, strength training, kick boxing, yoga, etc... then I would make note as to which exact workout it was plyo, yoga, chest/shoulders/triceps in the exercise note field. If you were really a go-getter you could create your own workout…
  • I didn't track my claories, but I did work out before the big feast. I ate more than usual, but I didn't overboard either. I was happily satisfied.
  • I have a cheat day about once a week, but as others have said, I never limit myself to a certian set of foods or deny myself anything. I am fairly compulsive about logging all my food and very rarely if ever go over. The way I see it , if you are deny yourself and absolutely avoid something (be it chocolate, french fries,…
  • This is what's most scary, but I've never backed down from a fight!
  • Good luck on you journey. I'm on my last week, in fact I have 2 more workouts until completion. 33 pounds lost and dropped 2 pant sizes.
  • I agree with everyone else. There is no such thing as cheating as long as you are below your calorie goal. Getting into the mind set that there are off limit foods will only sabatoge your goals.