Hey P90x Gurus...

Thinking of rearranging my P90X ... to take my rest day on Saturdays ... and then I guess I would have to do Chest and Back after my long run on Sundays. I wish I could do my long run on Saturday, but I cant because of my running partner. I do good working out during the week, but Saturdays I just wanna rest, relax, get stuff done. Plus I run Friday night and I think that leads me to feeling stiff in the morning... Im NOT a morning workout gal ... im way more stiff and sore in the morning... Im rambling..... anyone have any opinions?

Thanks in advance... still struggling with how to fit P90X into my half marathon training!


  • markciagne
    I did significant rearrangement when I did P90X last summer. It was usually dictated by my work hours. I rarely was able to follow the schedule, but made sure I did all the workouts for the week. I sometimes even had to extend weeks to 8 or 9 days because of work, in the end everything worked out fine; it did take me 4 months to finish but I lost around 35 pounds. Good luck!!!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    You will want to make sure that you don't do two weight lifting workouts two days in a row - you need the day in-between to allow your muscles time to repair. Other than that, you can pretty much adjust the schedule to work around your training. Any chance that you can make your "rest day" for P90X on Sunday? if not, I'd make sure that you have some recovery time between your run and your P90X lifting workout. Most trainers will advise you not to do cardio before lifting because you'll fatigue your muscles which will compromise your lifting workout - hard to lift well with already fatigued muscles! I do know some folks who do cardio in the morning, then lift in the afternoons and it seems to work for them - you'll just need to listen to your body and figure out what will work best for you!

    Good luck!
  • kimeister
    kimeister Posts: 212
    Most trainers will advise you not to do cardio before lifting because you'll fatigue your muscles which will compromise your lifting workout - hard to lift well with already fatigued muscles!

    I'm not doing P90X yet, but I thought I'd mention that my trainer really stresses this.

    Good luck! I know you'll make it work.