sher80bear Member


  • I live in an isolated town in Alaska. There is a gym with yoga classes but I can't afford the gym fee of $55 per month plus $400 registration fee or the class fee of $20 per class. Going to 2 classes a week would cost me $40 per week. I am short on money but I want to improve my health. There are no free wellness classes…
  • I can't leave food in the fridge. It is a really small fridge we have at both jobs. I think they got these from college dorm rooms, they are that small. Someone suggested a cooler in my car. That may work and let me bring enough tupperware for the whole day. A grain salad sounds like a good idea and I could mix that up so…
  • Since some of you demand an answer. I would not work 80 hours a week if I didn't have to. I had a good paying job, got laid off, savings acoount is empty and I am still looking for a replacement job that pays good. Sending out my resume to everyone I can think of but still no job offers. I would prefer to only work 1 job…
  • The garbage in the meal replacements is my concern. I was thinking more along the lines of a protein powder, milk, peanut butter (probably PB2), some caramel extract, and some bananas tossed in to make a meal replacement. That should cut out lots of the garbage and still make a satisfying meal.
  • Forgot to mention, I do work 7 days a week. Just the weekends are the worst because that is when I work both jobs each day. A PB&J sandwich is definately not going to get me through working 16 hours days. One job is sitting down most of the time but the other job is physically demanding. A sandwich and salad would work for…
  • I had a really bad case in both of my feet. I have to agree about the DO go barefoot part. My pediatrist stressed to never go barefoot and I was listening to him. I tried the frozen water bottle, rest (wasn't on my feet more than 10 minutes in an hour), stretching, tennis ball massage, orthotics, cortisone injection,…
  • Luckily this isn't a problem at the gym I go to. We have a strick policy that you have to change your shoes at the gym entrance so the snow doesn't get everywhere. The front desk actually enforces this rule and there are benches to sit on so it is pretty easy to do. I can only imagine how nasty it would be if people…
  • Same where I work. We don't have sick days. If we call in sick (less than 24 hours notice) we have to bring in a doctor note. I think it is stupid to waste the doctor's time and my money because I had a cold and needed to stay home for day. I go to work with a cold and use lots of sanitizer. I also try to avoid everyone…
  • I had back surgery in October and only gained a few pounds. I ate like crazy after the surgery because I was hungry. The pain medication I was on made me hungry plus my body needed the extra energy to heal up. My doctor gave me very specific instructions about NOT working out. I wasn't even allowed to lift anything heavier…
  • I had back surgery and my doctor suggested walking (no running), elliptical, stationary bike, or swimming for cardio.
  • I hate when people suddenly stop walking and stand in the middle of the isle in the grocery store so you can't get past them. My mom and sister do it all the time. It is so rude. Ummmm, hello you aren't the only one shopping. Move to the side so others can get past why you stare at the shelves. The cow people....don't get…
  • I am not sure about the calories burned but I do use a balance ball at work. I started using one when I started getting back problems. It was too late for me and I had to have back surgery, but the balance ball does strengthen the back and abdominal muscles so that is a plus. I highly recommend a balance ball if you are at…
  • Thanks. Waiting until after the blood draw makes a lot of sense. I wasn't told to wait or take it. I think I will wait and bring the pill with me. I am still new to this and still trying to figure things out.
  • The best thing I ever did was move to a place with only 2 fast food joints and no chain restaurants. It gets embarrasing when you visit the same fast food place every day in a small town. The local restaurants are OK but not that great. I was forced to start cooking for myself. Of course I still have a hard time saying no…
  • this^ I never want to fly like that again. Where I live now requires you to fly or take a boat to leave town so I have extra motivation now.