Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • breezylee75
    breezylee75 Posts: 101 Member
    The day I couldn't fit on the roller coaster and had to send my baby brother who was 8-9 years old at the time ALONE on it by himself.

    This was my first one. I got to a point where my husband could "squeeze" me into roller coaster seats by a lot of pushing on the harnesses. One day he just couldn't get the harness down enough. They took me off the ride, and he insisted on getting off with me, and I told him to go ahead and ride. What's worse is that had to release everyone else's harnesses to get me out of the seat, so everybody knew.

    But the defining moment that happened to me was that I had tried getting pregnant for almost 6 months. I couldn't, so I visited my doctor, and she told me I had to lose 50 pounds before she'd even CONSIDER giving me fertility meds because of my weight.

    I've actually lost enough already that I am ovulating for the first time in my life, but I don't ever want my weight to be an issue again, so I've put off getting pregnant until next July and I'm working on getting my body right before then.

    Good for you though :) it's good to make yourself healthy for a child.

    This was mine too-the Plankton ride at Kings Island. That was the start of my weight loss journey.
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    You know.. there are a few times I am glad I am a guy. Can't believe how many people are stupid enough to ask if someone is pregnant. As for my own, there are probably 3 that stand out. Virtual ride at disney that moved back and forth, couldn't get the bar on and had to wait for everyone else, had to get off the ride. Broke a plastic lawn chair once leaning back at a bbq when I was in my late teens, fell on my *kitten* in front of everyone of course! And probably every single time I went to a restaurant, since i'd have to either get a table, or leave. You don't know how amazing sitting in a booth feels to me these days.
  • going to the cinema with friends size 26 to see Bridget Jones Diary. As the credits rolled we stood up to leave and i trod on the hem of my huge elastic waisted skirt which promptly slid right down revealing my huge wobbly backside complete with my very own Bridget knickers *cringe* we were right at the front too
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Nothing special….just that one picture of myself when I thought I looked cute but I actually looked like a hot mess. One day I will post it here as my before picture :-)
  • We were at a funeral and my husband, myself and another big woman broke the pew and had to get up and leave.......
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    Having my friend tell me she had a hard time finding a bridesmaid dress that flattered because I was the only plus size person in their bridal party.

    Easy solution: pick your color then let the bridesmaids choose their own dress! More and more bride's are setting some parameters, but letting each girl pick their own dress. My sister got married last month and we were told it has to be a certain color and has to be knee length. Go! We each got to pick a dress that was flattering for us. Two girls chose the same dress, but one wore it with straps, one wore it strapless. And the pictures look great because no one looks awkward in her dress.
  • sonyalbruno
    sonyalbruno Posts: 63 Member
    With my two full term pregnancies I didnt tell many people I was pregnant until about 6-7 months because of a few issues I had during the pregnancies and a previous miscarriage and that includes telling my parents. About 10 months after I had my youngest my dad asked "Are you pregnant again? You sure look like you are" it was the worst feeling in the world to basically be called fat by your parent, and I know the older generations think that this kind of "encouragment" helps with weightloss but I can tell you first hand it dosnt.
    Also I was the one "fat" bridesmaid at a wedding and didnt even want to look at the pictures. So since then I sucked it up started portion control, eating healthier and working out about 30-60 min 5 days a week. Slow process but Im down 11 pounds.
  • SwimTheButterfly
    SwimTheButterfly Posts: 265 Member
    During Yom Kippur last year, which is a day of atonement when you fast all day and pray all day to ask forgiveness for your sins. Well last year, when we were doing this prayer called the Avinu Malkeinu which you confess all your sins, like gluttony and over indulgence in food, the vintage, hard wooden pew broke. I started crying in shame. Everyone saw this, and this woman who is always very mean to me saw this. My eyes met hers and she knew what had happened. I don't know what I weighed then, last September, but I cried about that quite a bit over the months to come. Last March I joined MFP and I weighed 316.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    About 3 years ago, I saw my mother for the first time in about 5 years. I had put on about 50lbs since I had seen her last. The first thing she did was rub my belly and said "what is this?"

    I could forgive her if she hadn't lost over 100lbs herself on a doctor-monitored liquid diet 15 years ago.
  • b14a3w3
    b14a3w3 Posts: 61 Member
    When my husband asked me why I wasn't wearing my wedding ring. I was 110 when we married 30 years ago and I was 175 when I came to this site. I had to tell him why and he just looked at me. Those rings will fit me again in a few months.
  • I was taking a walk around my neighborhood, and a guy driving past yelled out the window "Go on a f***ing diet fatso" at me

    What a jerk! I'm sorry that was said.... Some can just be so mean... :(
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    This isn't mine it's my husbands but yeah:

    He was on the phone with his Mom.. she lives in Mass. we live in Arizona. She asked for some photos so he sent some and she said Boy you look FAT. This is a woman he hasn't seen in 10-11 years and he barely calls her because she says things like this. You'd think your own MOTHER would be nicer.

    Anyway long story short he went on to lose 120 lbs after that and is continuing to lose weight.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    i was asked if i was pregnant during middle school (6th grade!? i didn't even fully understand the concept of sex at that age). then i had rocks thrown at me when i was walking home from school... and I remember that I went to the fair with one of my friends when I was a kid and the carni told me I was too big for the rides (by contrast, my friend was a tiny thing so we couldn't get adult passes because they wouldn't let her ride the adult rides with me).
  • sher80bear
    sher80bear Posts: 22 Member
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    About 3 years ago, I saw my mother for the first time in about 5 years. I had put on about 50lbs since I had seen her last. The first thing she did was rub my belly and said "what is this?"

    I could forgive her if she hadn't lost over 100lbs herself on a doctor-monitored liquid diet 15 years ago.

    Posted mine before seeing this. Guess my Mother in Law isn't the only one like that.
  • sher80bear
    sher80bear Posts: 22 Member
    Sitting in an airline seat and desperately trying to reduce the size of my hips so the guy next to me wouldn't have to touch me. Of course, I failed. Poor guy. He was miserable the entire trip.

    this^ I never want to fly like that again. Where I live now requires you to fly or take a boat to leave town so I have extra motivation now.
  • I was trying on a dress that I loved but of course they didn't have my size but I was determined to make it work anyway. So I grabbed the biggest size left, tried it on, BUSTED the zipper, and kindly replaced the "defective" dress back on the hanger and left the store!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    The first one that popped into my head was when I was in 4th grade and they did all of those physical tests, one being weight. I got mine back and another kid had looked over my shoulder and shouted out in front of everyone "She weighs 110 lbs!!". I already had body issues befor that, but this was the start of my lifelong weight issue in my mind. I'll never forget that.

    It's also why I tend to be a bit strict on what my son eats. He's a big kid and I don't EVER want him to have to go through that.

    The other time I can think of is when we were at my cousin's communion lunch (I was about 13 or 14) and I wasn't eating. My Uncle (her dad and my FAVORITE uncle) said "Come on and get something to eat! You don't look like you've missed many meals lately!". I was actually feeling rather good that day too. I'm 35 now and I think he STILL apologizes to me about that!
  • When I was at a club for kids (I was 11 at the time) a boy ran up to me and yelled "Do you eat meat?!" and then ran away.

    Then there was a time when I was hanging out with a new friend and she looked at me and said "Taww I feel sorry for you." and when I asked why she said "Because, you're fat." >I was like "Oh..." and got up and left.

    I wanted to go ride a rollercoaster one day with a group of friends. A stranger in the line said "Um I think you're too Big for that ride..."

    List goes on and on...
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I was on a date (years ago) we went to a concert, we were late. We couldn't find ANY parking, so finally we found a spot we had to park real close to another car. He got out and walked around to my side. I couldn't fit out the door, I climbed into the back seat to try the back door, still wouldn't fit, we had to go find another parking spot, and that took like 15 minutes. I could tell he was irritated. I wanted to D I E E E E E E E E E E.

    I still get embarrassed thinking about it, Omg! Depressing.

    why didn't he just back out let you out then pull up into the same spot? It may have been your embarrassing "fat" moment but it wasn't a great moment for parking strategies either. I've had to do this not because of being fat but because sometime people can't stay between the lines and the only spot left just barely holds the car.

    I suppose I should tell mine now... restaurant booths were my bane, I had to turn down the only seats left because I couldn't fit between the table and the booth seat and wait until a table opened up.