kianaj Member


  • Add me! I really need encouragement and always looking for a good grocery list to try out :smile:
  • I'm 5'6 216.8 today that is. My goal is 165, and I have an open profile and always looking for new friends and support!
  • Sigh...I've totally lost my accountability partner, but I'm holding on strong. Week 3, day 2!
    in T25 Comment by kianaj December 2013
  • You look so good!!! Congratulations!!!!
  • I've been in your position many times and have fallen off the wagon just as many. Stay strong, you will eventually start to see the results. I've been at this for a long time and the scale has just started moving in the right direction. I felt stronger, worked out longer, and could see the definition coming, but the scale…
  • Good for you!!! Once I'm there I enjoy every bit of it, and just knowing the benefits that I'm gaining keeps me there. I get the most satisfaction of going, when I don't want to. How crazy is that!!
  • I think for once I'm going to not wear a jacket over my work-out clothes and I've thought about getting my uniforms tailored to fit my sexy!!! But, we'll see...
  • I too am a scale junkie, and after the day I had yesterday; I kind of had given up for like three hours. I will try your suggestion and try to only count the weight on Huuuummmpppp Day!!!
  • Thank you!! I quit smoking three weeks ago and have been snacking away, but it was all healthy stuff so I thought. I still feel the need to snack at work, usually when I come home it's not so bad.
  • Thank you for your words, so I definitely need to drink more water and just keep at it!!
  • Just today I gained 3 lbs overnite, so I thought it might be bloating. So, I don't really know right now. Question can someone break down this half my body weight water intake. So 2 liters is not enough?
  • I had slacked on the food logging and started back very recently, because I thought I was eating right. After speaking with the dietician she said that I may be putting too much in, in the form of peanut butter, jelly, and shredded wheat. I seem to get hungry more often and try to snack at the right times, but what I love…
  • Great suggestion, we have a walk-to-run program in the Air Force. Same concept, but that mumbo jumbo I don't understand. Great way to break it down and it does work!!
  • Congratulations!!
  • Does Whey Protein really work, I get a little scared of protein shakes. Somewhere in my mind I tend to think it'll bulk me up!!
  • Nebgurl: Thank you for your support Everyone: When ytou click on the green box on the homepage (after logging excercise/food) that says "complete today's entry" it will give you rounded number of how much weight you'd lose in 5wks. I consume atleast 8 glasses, but I will definitely get some snacks and drink even more…
  • Lol, so I decided to log every single morsel I consumed today and guess what I was a -322 calorie intake. You talking about someone that was livid that was me, all because I had to consume three pieces of pound cake!!! Now, true enough my day started off quite uneventful then I went to the gym and somewhere between the gym…
  • This site is awesome and I've just actually joined today. I've been working on losing weight for quite sometime then it dawned on me that I was trying to lose what took years to put on, in 6mths. Lol, needless to say I stopped taking the supplements and have been eating better, taking it one day at a time. So far, changing…