Your body will adjust to the change... don't find another source of caffeine to replace it.. and good for you giving up diet soda!!! Its so incredibly toxic. Aspartame causes so many health issues and people who drink diet soda have a 70% larger waistline then those who don't drink it. Eat vegetables & nuts. I get a ton of…
Every diet is ridiculous & was created to make somebody rich. If doctors would prescribe a whole food, gmo free diet then we would all be healthier then ever! I think the dumbest diet I've ever heard of is the Atkins diet. This guy at my work has done this diet for the last year and amazingly enough has just gained weight…
As far as food goes.... if you eat whole foods there is no need to count calories as you will lose weight naturally. Processed foods, diet foods/drinks, chemicals in the food, & fat free foods are what make us overweight. Don't be afraid of fat in food! Just make sure its healthy fat from organic butter, organic whole milk…
I would say cows milk, assuming you are using whole milk from grass fed cows... otherwise its not milk any longer after its been pasteurized and homogenized because they've removed all the healthy bacteria's & nutrients... Also, if its not organic you are consuming hormones & antibiotics so keep that in mind as well.
I give up trying to post a photo, so here is the link lol Before After
I see you eat a tiny breakfast and huge dinner... dinner should be the smallest meal of the day, breakfast the biggest so you have all day to burn it. Also, those who drink artificial sweeteners have a 70% bigger waistline then those who drink regular. Artificial sweeteners trick your brain into thinking you just had…
Boring maybe... but its better then being medicated for health problems due to eating toxic food
I can guarantee you will lose weight by doing this: -Unlimited low glycemic veggies -No more then 6oz of protein (chicken or fish) -No alcohol -No Sugar -No Artificial Sweetener -No Wheat (except 1/2 cup of brown rice per day) -No Dairy (except for 1 5.3oz plain yogurt per day) The first 3 days will be a killer as your…
Good info.. only thing I disagree with is no amount of processed food is good for your body and health.... it all gets stored as toxins which can cause a variety of health problems from cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc..
Is there even real food in a blizzard?
There 2 types of vegetarians.. those that eat right ( vegetables, no dairy, no excessive carbs) and those who just don't want to eat meat.. I know both types.. My friend is a vegetarian and she hates vegetables.. so naturally, she is overweight because all she eats is processed junk food and dairy. My sister in law is a…
I had lap band surgery 11 years ago. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. There is nothing wrong with the surgery. All it does it force you to eat smaller portions. This is not like gastric bypass where they reroute your intestines and create malnutrition. the Lap Band is safe.. the only issue with a lapband is…
My question is, what are you eating? Sugar turns directly to fat.. almost every processed food has sugar in it. I would try to avoid sugar the best you can. Remember that carbs turn to sugar as well. Good luck
GMO's have not been tested... this is false information.. we humans are their guniea pigs.... and I for one can say that since I stopped eating GMO's, I am a "swollen" person anymore, I can digest food, I am not lactose intolerant like I thought and my head is clear. The same people who say GMOS are safe are the same…
Research studies have shown that people who drink diet soda have a 70% bigger waistline then those that drink regular cola. Its because artificial sweeteners trick your brain into believing you just consumed calories, then 20 minutes later, you brain realizes it was tricked, therefore you will start to crave more sugar and…
Soda is full of so many chemicals that your body is not only storing fat from the fake sugar (high fructose corn syrup) but its storing mass amounts of toxins as well. Cola is so acidic that you can clean your toilet and get great results with it :)
Fruit is great in moderation, but sugar is sugar.... there is a difference between natural sugar and processed of course but your body will still turn it straight to fat... Eat lots and lots of low glycemic vegetables instead :)
I think its best to consider what you eat vs the calories... if you ate 1200 of vegetables and lean meat, you would lose weight... if you ate 1200 calories of carbs, sugars, processed foods, artificial sweeteners etc, you will maintain or even gain
Hi. My name is Louise and I am an accounting clerk. I get so lazy, i just sit here on my breaks and at lunch. I need to get more motivated!