Natural ways to help sluggishness from no caffeine

writer4him Posts: 225 Member
I have been, in the past, a very "heavy" diet coke drinker (4+ cans per day). I was really sick over the weekend and basically ate or drank nothing but popsicles, and since I already went two days without any soda, I decided to keep it up since I have wanted to quit.

Thankfully, I have no withdrawal headache, but I am finding myself very sluggish in the afternoon and I know my body is calling for caffeine. I don't like coffee or tea and I don't want to start another habit anyway.

Will I just eventually adjust and have full-day energy again or are there some natural foods that boost energy?


  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 480 Member
    well if u switch to coffee the best thing iuse is click prtein shakes its a brand of protein shake that is coffee flavors... they give me that boost without the calories of soda... also i switched to caffeine pills for the beginning until my body got use to it...
    BENNYDOOR Posts: 23
    Your body will adjust to the change... don't find another source of caffeine to replace it.. and good for you giving up diet soda!!! Its so incredibly toxic. Aspartame causes so many health issues and people who drink diet soda have a 70% larger waistline then those who don't drink it.

    Eat vegetables & nuts. I get a ton of energy from eating a pepper and cucumber for lunch. I used to eat carbs for lunch & i'd be crashed out a few hours later unable to function. Veggies & nuts give you good wholesome energy & you will lose weight at the same time :)
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    I was a very heavy Diet Coke addict and am six weeks clean. I never felt sluggish, but I imagine your body will get used to it. I've also been doing keto though, and I know my energy is even throughout the day because of it. The last few weeks I've spent the first 10-20 minutes of my lunch break taking a walk around the office parking lot and have found that has given me additional energy for the rest of the afternoon. Perhaps that will help you too?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Time, just time. About a week and you'll be fine.
  • writer4him
    writer4him Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions & encouragement!