moe0303 Member


  • I'll do it with you. What are you thinking? How would it work?
  • Jumping Jacks are an 8MET exercise. It will probably take about 90 seconds or less to complete 100 reps. In terms of weight loss, this will get a 200 pound person a calorie burn of about 20 calories (30 for a 300 pound person). So, if your goal is to lose weight, you might want to allot some time to focus on constant…
  • I took her point as being more conceptual. It is possible, even probable, that a 1000 calorie diet of tuna, eggs and veggies is more nutritious than a 1200 calorie diet without restrictions. She is asking an honest question as to why there seems to be a much greater emphasis on the 1200 calorie minimum than the nutritional…
  • @Zipp237, seriously. How old are you? I give you mad props for your trolling skills. You're like Troll Yoda.
  • It is not a forgone conclusion that cutting military spending would mean cutting the number of service members. The budget mismanagement issue that was described affects pretty much all of the federal organizations. It is a symptom of one of the main reasons why people are against government run services, inefficiency.
  • I do see a single payer system as a potential fix for this, but feel that forced participation is immoral. If support is high enough, then it should be able to decrease the cost of healthcare to participants without forcing everybody to participate. If successful, participation will take care of itself without force. Of…
  • Wait, I got this one: She's not telling you what you should and should not eat. She's just saying you don't need ice cream anyway (and therefore shouldn't eat it). -Signed super troll in training.
  • If a "right" requires use of force (or the threat of force) thrust upon another in order to fulfill that "right", I have a hard time agreeing with it regardless of the word chosen to describe that situation.
  • Needs=/= human rights. The freedom to take action to fulfill those needs does (as long as the rights of others are not infringed upon as a consequence). When government controls healthcare and denies service based on whatever criteria, that freedom is impeded. The same can be said of the food supply, which has been used in…
  • Because these countries have this, it doesn't mean that it is a right. The "right" is the part that was dreamed up.
  • This thread has blurred the lines of jest and just insane.
  • If I may ask, how old are you? As science continues to evolve, popular opinion of what we see as healthy today might not be considered so in the future. With that in mind, I would like to present a situation: I'm ASSUMING you are not currently eating a LCHF diet. This is a diet often high in saturated fats with as much as…
  • And you would become addicted to the sugar in the oreos as you would now fit criteria committing crimes for your sugar fix.
  • The "military budget" is comprised of broad areas most of which the average service person will never be made aware. If the hospital has a budget for medical supplies, and a budget for pizza parties, cutting the pizza parties shouldn't affect the workers' ability to perform their job (unless recruiting is an issue). I…
  • I don't see why our service members' opinion would rate any greater importance than the rest of the populous. The main functions of the military are to deter aggression and win wars. Those are goals that affect the country as a whole. That being said, I do feel that military compensation should be equal to the upper end of…
  • I've only read a few of these posts so far, but you are definitely troll of the year right here. I get it. The facetiousness in the wordplay is ingeniously veiled, but it is there. I would have totally believed it if only it wasn't so unbelievable. Well played, well played.
  • Why does there need to be blame? Why do we need to form a government to rescue these people?
  • By that same token, shouldn't I be allowed to opt out of this healthcare right to prevent other people from paying for my bad choices? And if I opt out of the benefit, shouldn't I be able to opt out of the payment as well?
  • But what if I wanted to eat too much bad stuff for 20 years? Shouldn't I be able to do that? Wouldn't that be more of a basic right than healthcare?
  • Doesn't strike as a particularly interesting opinion. We have much better analysis by people on this thread, and it is only about 70 comments deep at this point.
    in CrossFit Comment by moe0303 July 2016
  • Only use the time spent moving. There is a link to a calculator on my profile.
    in CrossFit Comment by moe0303 July 2016
  • I do feel that the HSA solution could also help to fund at least a portion of the cost to care for those unable to pay due to whatever circumstances. There would undoubtedly be some slippage as people would pass with no next of kin. Likewise, people could donate these their HSA monies to charities that would pay some of…
  • Yeah, in my experience what you are talking about is a flexible spending account, which is stupid compared to an HSA. I had one this year and chose not to renew it.
  • I'd rather the government just get out of the healthcare business altogether. If lower body fat people typically live longer, you are creating an incentive to increase the cost of the system to taxpayers. Honestly, I think happiness should be encouraged more in general. I just don't feel that government is the right entity…
  • Basically, if it makes financial sense, you would do it...right?
  • You would also have to take the tax savings into account. It would be your money under your control with the exception of liquification requirements. As such, you could handle the investment as you see fit and reap the consequences of your choices. You just wouldn't be able to spend the money for anything but the allowed…
  • I'm assuming you are leaning towards opting out. Question: Would you still opt out if a significant portion of the funds could be used once in a lifetime for something non-medical, like real-estate or some other life stabilizing expense?
  • That is closer to the anarchist POV in my opinion. The libertarian POV is that government itself is woefully inefficient at most things and that they would be better off paying a properly motivated third party to complete the work. It is an argument for practicality and effeciency. The anarchists say that the government,…
  • How about we enslave them instead. Let's enslave everyone by monopolizing their healthcare, then we will be able to justify strong legislation to control their behavior based on the "greater good". This will be a self perpetuating system as we will be setting the standard for healthcare, and if they ever wanted to raise…
  • Didn't we already have a better version of this debate?