kbhealthy Member


  • I went to the gym...three days in a row. And I haven't been in months. AND AND AND....I didn't hate it :)
  • I have the same problem! I'm not getting enough calories (mainly because I'm not hungry!), AND I'm not losing weight. Soooo...I don't know if I should try eating MORE or what. I'm eating healthily. But I'm definitely not losing the 1.7 lbs I'm suppossed to if I just eat 1200 cals a day. Can't wait to hear what some of you…
  • Drink a glass of water. It helps you get all the liquid you need for the day, but it also makes you feel full. If I feel stuffed, eating doesn't sound do appealing. Good luck!!
  • lol That's a great idea! Shopping trip? I'm not naive to think that I'm going to lose 30 pounds or anything in a month, but I'm definitely 5 pounds would make me feel better - physically and emotionally.
  • I agree - there's really no such thing as "spot reduction." But I think doing a lot of aerobic, especially at first, will help get rid of weight overall therefore making you feel better and more motivated. Try a lot of walking, biking, etc. And try some back workouts - to strengthen your back muscles. You're core muscles…
  • So I just found out that a long-lost guy friend that I've been talking to online thinks we might be more than friends. But wants to meet in person to be sure - NEXT MONTH! Nothing like seeing an old friend, or a potential significant other, to motivate you to get on that treadmill!
  • Probably not the best plan, but my "diet" goes out the window when I go home to visit my folks. I mean, I try not to overeat, but I didn't even bother logging my food for the weekend. We all need to splurge every once and a while. I've tried the all-or-nothing plans, and I quit within a week. If you know you can mess up or…
  • I do the same thing - I basically plan out what I will eat the day before. Less stress in a moment of weakness. I know that I have to stick to the plan or I'll eat anything. And living in a dorm room doesn't give you too many options. I make sure to have a few low-calorie snacks laying around too, just in case. Applesauce…
  • Hi Friend. :happy: I'm new too!