Please help!!!

I originally posted this on my Green Team page:

OK, I need some help. I didn't eat breakfast or morning snack because I just wasn't hungry:embarassed: For lunch I had a six inch Subway turkey and american cheese sandwich on wheat with mustard, lettuce, spinach, tomatos, pickles and carrots and a bag of their sliced apples. I'm eating my afternoon snack right now of a Yoplait Light Fat Free Very Cherry Yogurt and a tangerine. I have a Pure Protein High Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar for after my work out/drive home and for dinner I have scheduled the other six inch turkey sandwich (I always buy a footlong so I can split it into two meals).

The problem is that even with everything logged that I just told you, I have only reached 989 calories (and I haven't even touched my exercise calories:grumble: ) I am not hungry and feel like I'm eating just to eat.

What should I do:cry:


  • yeahbuddy
    I originally posted this on my Green Team page:

    OK, I need some help. I didn't eat breakfast or morning snack because I just wasn't hungry:embarassed: For lunch I had a six inch Subway turkey and american cheese sandwich on wheat with mustard, lettuce, spinach, tomatos, pickles and carrots and a bag of their sliced apples. I'm eating my afternoon snack right now of a Yoplait Light Fat Free Very Cherry Yogurt and a tangerine. I have a Pure Protein High Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar for after my work out/drive home and for dinner I have scheduled the other six inch turkey sandwich (I always buy a footlong so I can split it into two meals).

    The problem is that even with everything logged that I just told you, I have only reached 989 calories (and I haven't even touched my exercise calories:grumble: ) I am not hungry and feel like I'm eating just to eat.

    What should I do:cry:
  • kbhealthy
    kbhealthy Posts: 10 Member
    I have the same problem! I'm not getting enough calories (mainly because I'm not hungry!), AND I'm not losing weight. Soooo...I don't know if I should try eating MORE or what. I'm eating healthily. But I'm definitely not losing the 1.7 lbs I'm suppossed to if I just eat 1200 cals a day. Can't wait to hear what some of you have to say!
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    **this is the voice of the weight loss gods**

    EAT BREAKFAST! If you have a 400cal quota that you can't fill during the day, then make yourself have a bowl of oatmeal, yogurt, eggs, whole-grain toast.

    Eating at least 350cals at the start of your day increases your body's metabolism and helps your brain and other organs function properly. Believe me, kick the engine into gear early on, you'll not only find that you are hungry (because the body is actually working), but the weight should (WILL) come off.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • sweetcorruption
    i only eat when i am hungry. I refuse to eat when im not hungry just to meet my calorie allotment. I'm told this is a bad thing *shrug*
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    No, don't eat if you are not hungry. But examine why it is you are not hungry. If you are consuming a restricted number of calories, your body should be craving more and delving into its surplus to provide for that need (aka fat loss). So, if you are not hungry at 900 cals, figure out what you need to do to get yourself to be hungry. The body does not like starving, and I am pretty sure anything under 1000 is considered undernourished in adults.
  • thejarviclan
    thejarviclan Posts: 465 Member
    Oh, what a sad problem to have! :laugh:

    Have a bowl of Kashi or Cheerios with skim milk, or a salad with low-cal dressing. It'll kick you closer to your 1200 mark and at least your metabolism won't start to shut down.

    If you refuse to eat just 'cause you're not hungry, you could be binge-ing at 11. :tongue:
  • rosered51
    I have the same problem meeting my calorie quotas. I put a post out there but not many responded. I eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and still I have a hard time getting past the 1200 so as not to get the starvation mode message:mad: ! What's a girl to do, I have this food addiction, so I am doing my darndest to make better choices. I am drinking 12 - 18 glasses of water each day and I am FULL...

    I however am losing I am not having the problem of standstill...maybe because I am getting so much water in?:huh:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    If you are losing the weight, "carry on, ol' chap."

    Try to include some whole-nuts into your "snack" category. Great source of all kinds of body-goodness and higher in cals too (help get that annoying message off of your screen).

    How many fluid ounces are you consuming? It might be (heaven forbid) too much, at least too much without an iron supplement.
  • rosered51
    Most days it is 12 cups (96 oz) yesterday I hit 18 cups (144 oz), today it was 15 cups (120 oz)...
  • MattySparky
    I originally posted this on my Green Team page:

    OK, I need some help. I didn't eat breakfast or morning snack because I just wasn't hungry:embarassed: For lunch I had a six inch Subway turkey and american cheese sandwich on wheat with mustard, lettuce, spinach, tomatos, pickles and carrots and a bag of their sliced apples. I'm eating my afternoon snack right now of a Yoplait Light Fat Free Very Cherry Yogurt and a tangerine. I have a Pure Protein High Protein Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar for after my work out/drive home and for dinner I have scheduled the other six inch turkey sandwich (I always buy a footlong so I can split it into two meals).

    The problem is that even with everything logged that I just told you, I have only reached 989 calories (and I haven't even touched my exercise calories:grumble: ) I am not hungry and feel like I'm eating just to eat.

    What should I do:cry:

    you need to eat in the morning plain and simple... you cant go into your day without fuel... remember starvation mode (as everyone refers to it). That can happen if you aren't eating breakfast. One reason why alot of people eat smaller "meals" more often through the day is so that you dont give your body the opportunity to get "hungry", you simply keep the tank satisfied!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I'm not a first-thing-in-the-morning eater either! However, I always make sure to eat within 2 hours of waking up. If you don't have a big am appetite, try an apple and a piece of cheese or a smoothie. These are great if you're already at work. Try to work in some good nuts with your snacks. I believe anything under 1200 cal per day puts you in starvation mode, which will sometimes back-fire and cause a decreased appetite. You really MUST attempt to eat back your exercise cals- read all of the really great posts under the General Diet and Weight Loss board. Good Luck!:happy:
  • yeahbuddy
    Thanks everyone for all your responses. I'm hoping today was just a fluke because since starting MFP I've had no problem eating breakfast. Well, tomorrow is another day so we'll see how it goes.

    Thanks again!