I need advice....

finallyproud Posts: 154 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I've just recently started to exercise again. My body is SO out of shape. I've been walking everyday for about 30 or until my back hurts so bad I can't stand it. The majority of my weight is is my lower stomach, butt and legs. I can't afford to go to a gym so i've been doing my best at home. So my question is what are some exercises I can do to burn fat in my problem areas and make them smaller?


  • finallyproud
    finallyproud Posts: 154 Member
    I've just recently started to exercise again. My body is SO out of shape. I've been walking everyday for about 30 or until my back hurts so bad I can't stand it. The majority of my weight is is my lower stomach, butt and legs. I can't afford to go to a gym so i've been doing my best at home. So my question is what are some exercises I can do to burn fat in my problem areas and make them smaller?
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Sorry about your problem, but there is no spot reducing, your body rids fat where is wants to. Although there is spot toning, if you can do squats, lunges, or crunches that will help. I am in the same boat as you are, I lose from my top faster than the bottom half:grumble: Keep up that walking! It's only doing good for you :flowerforyou:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I'm not really sure, but I think cardio or aerocbic exercise is what burns fat. So, I think walking is good. Dancing should be great too. You can do that at home. Just rock out for 40 minutes.
    I just bought a couple dvds that were mentioned on mfp. I did one of them yesterday. It was a little too fast, but I tried to keep up. I was hot and sweating so I think I burned a lot of calories. I can't remember the name of it at the moment - I think it was Cardio Dance Slimdown or something like that.
    I also bought a Leslie Sansone dvd, but haven't tried it yet.
    Good luck.
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    Unfortunately, you don't get to pick where you fat comes off first! You can, however, work on firming your problem areas! Crunches and sit-ups for the belly, lunges and squats for the legs! It may take a while, but you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • zoepane
    zoepane Posts: 209
    I have that problem sometimes too, make sure your wearing good sneakers, and I take 2 Tylenol before I walk.....
  • kbhealthy
    kbhealthy Posts: 10 Member
    I agree - there's really no such thing as "spot reduction." But I think doing a lot of aerobic, especially at first, will help get rid of weight overall therefore making you feel better and more motivated. Try a lot of walking, biking, etc. And try some back workouts - to strengthen your back muscles. You're core muscles are vital!! Good luck!
  • naner
    naner Posts: 110
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  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    A little weight-lifting will also help your muscles to start burning more calories all day. This is how I jump-started my weight loss 7 years ago: 2 different exercises, with 2 sets of 8 reps.

    I recommend taking a look at a book called "8 minutes in the Morning" by Jorge Cruise. Together with the walking you're already doing, just eight minutes of weights every day could help a lot.
  • Ella09
    Ella09 Posts: 9
    I have the Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD and i love it. I do the 3 fast miles and it's 45 minutes of fast walking. you burn a lot of calories and it's fun. I got it at Walmart. You should try it!
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Forgot to say, keep your abs tight while walking, this helps keep you standing tall and hopefully helps your back:happy:
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    Keep up the walking!

    Maybe start a little smaller for now?

    Try 15 or 20 minutes a day and then work up to 30 minutes a day.

    You don't want to be hurting so bad that you can't stand straight. Even a little bit is a big step in the right direction.

    Stay within your goals, do some exercise, and you will lose weight.

  • Check out collagevideo.com

    They have every workout known to mankind. I too started out walking using Leslie Sansones "Walk Away the pounds" videos. I am now up to intermediate/advanced kickboxing. Hang in there it will get easier! Good luck.
  • As for back hurting, I had the same problem and so I eventually went to the doctor. She thought is was a pinched nerve (which, it wasn't but..read on) and it turned out I have a fractured vertebrae. So, maybe a good pair of shoes (lots of advice on shoes found on the web). I invested in a good pair of shoes and it makes all the difference in the world. I focus more on weight bearing exercises and I may never get to be a "skinny-mini" since it's hard on me to work out a major cardiovascular sweat, but I'm okay with it now that I know I havea real problem. Bike riding is also good, for me anyways. I'm not in real pain after biking.
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    I ditto the keeping the back straight. I'm a runner and used to have lower back pain when I ran. I mentioned it to a fellow runner and she told me that I leaned forward when I ran! I NEVER KNEW!!

    When walking, imagine there is a piece of twine tied to your belly button and someone is pulling it, that's the 'form' you're after.

    Be well and safe.
  • tidwelljw
    tidwelljw Posts: 146
    I have a similair problem with one of ym knees. It's an old sports injury that after a while of excerise it starts to hurt me. It's worth the money to spend a little extra on a good pair of supportive shoes. Just running shoes won't cut it because they usually don't have the type of support that is needed. ANy kid of squats, lunges, or mild ab work will help stenghten your core. I'm not talking about crazy ab movements. Things like leg raises, and side raises until you can get some stregth built up.
  • ok , I have to reply to this one! I know what it's like to have back pain I have suffered for a year and a half with back pain that went to my legs siatic never. Kept trying to work out and only hurt it worse.

    I had a trainer that changed every thing about me and some times I wish I was still training with him but at some point you have to do it yourself. Anyway after 1.5 yrs of doctors my daughter came over with a tip from her trainer he said to do this.

    stand straight with your feet slightly a part and do a squat but poke your but out as your going down, bend your knees and go as far as you can then slowly back up, but BIG KEY HERE!! when coming back up take your hips and push forward when you reach the top like a almost rocking motion.

    you may feel like a little pop in your lower back area or in your inner thigh area. This is a good thing for me because it allows you to crack your lower back where a lot of my stress lies. When my back starts to hurt i do these all day long throughout the day 10 at a time. i do about a 100 of them a day.
    needless to say it will help your back and butt and thighs. hope it helps you.

    P.S. I no longer have back pain like that anymore.

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