stylishgirl Member


  • I would go get a bag and ask them to only fill it half full, emphasize that you'll pay full price but just don't want that much. If they give you too much go STRAIGHT to a garbage can and pour some out (unless you go with someone who'll eat half or 2/3 or whatever amount you think is more than one serving). then eat it…
  • my goal is set to 2 pounds a week since i have so much to lose. what boggles my mind is that it would calculate very close to the same calories for someone half my size. part of my problem is that i have a hard time staying under 1300 calories and feeling full. when i workout and am then allowed more calories its better,…
  • I'm now really confused. I'm not petite at all, nor average weight. I'm 5'8" and weigh 249 pounds, but have a sedentary home-based job (so no commute). according to MFP, my daily goal is 1290 calories. so not quite the 1200 the OP mentioned but pretty close, except i weigh a over 100 pounds more. Am I calculating something…
  • macademia and walnuts have high calories, so i'd use those full fat milk with omega 3 added or milk and a small amount of ice cream or milk and greek yogurt banana dates cocoa powder flaxseed protein powder cinnamon
  • 1) cucumber tomato gazpacho perfect for summer! 2) i love making homemade asian cucumber salad. just use a vegetable peeler to make strips of cucumbers, add a bit of red pepper flakes, rice wine vinegar, pepper, and possibly a little bit of red bell pepper and let it marinate for like 10 minutes before eating. if you want…
  • its a strong flavor to be sure. i used to HATE coconut, now i love it. i feel like it can be an acquired taste. i usually try complimenting it, doesn't exactly mask it but kind of rounds it out. Ginger and lemon (with peel) are my favorite flavorings to add to a smoothie. i get these frozen cubes of ginger and add them…
  • I've started drinking coffee again, but I have to admit when I did this detox where i eliminated all caffeine, sugar (artificial and natural), and dairy I DID sleep better and wake up more rested.
  • great job! keep it up!... er, actually I guess you could say keep it down! ;)
  • mostly i'm echoing what others have said. plateaus are frustrating but sometimes the body does what it wants. so if you're making the right choices, don't fret too much about it. here's my 2 cents on things that might help. 1) increase the water some. I find that it really helps clean out anything stuck a bit. If you don't…
  • I was taking an iron supplement (Floradix) but ran out and need to get more. i take a multi, an omega 3-6-9, a b complex, grapefruit seed extract. i started taking vitamins more diligently when we started trying to have a baby.
  • I am on 1270 a day and I find that to be very difficult. I was originally on 1500 a day and lost about 40 pounds but then I hit a plateau. I reassessed my bmr and goals and now it has me on 1290, there are certain days where i eat 1100 or 1150 and feel full and other days where i go over 1300 and am still hungry. funny…
  • always thought i was a purist, it had to be american cheese maybe tomato if adventurous but then... I haven't had one in a long time but sourdough whole grain super crusty bread, goat cheese, gruyere, thick sliced of separately grilled butternut squash, pickled red onions, and frizzled kale with a side of cumin pickled…
  • books: I love Mark Bittman's how to cook everything and how to cook everything vegetarian, both are like encyclopedia size (no pictures is the only downside) but instead of just a few recipes it talks about and explains each ingredient, so you can really see what all you can do with say butternut squash or artichokes.also,…
  • I second the whole wheat pastry flour. I use it for most recipes (whole wheat flour & white whole wheat flour are better for breads, don't know why but they both taste breadier). Also I LOVE coconut flour as a nice whole grain option for things like pancakes/waffles/cookies etc. It doesn't have gluten so you need a bit of…
  • I can't skate (well beyond a straight line for about 10 feet before falling) but I LOVE me some derby. We go watch a lot. My derby friendlies are an inspiration to me. Good luck!
  • kale chips, there's a recipe on the hungry girl website. but really really easy to customize. take some kale (I prefer baby kale but it works with any dark leafy green), spritz lightly with oil spray (whatever you prefer, I'm using coconut spray oil right now), sprinkle with any seasoning you like (bbq is awesome, curry…
  • microwave reheat makes em crispy again. awesome! (not that i typically have leftovers)
  • I do different things. First, my high end option is a Freya underwire sports bra (actually i love all their bras but they are pricey). they specialize in small back large cups and many styles go up to a 38J. the sportsbra was REALLY tight when i got it (ran smaller than their regular line) so i wore it with a extender for…
  • I think my detox will be including lots of seasonings and spices. I found a breakfast sausage spice mix (sugar free), did that with some brown rice shallots and chicken breast minced up (I forgot to buy chicken or turkey breakfast sausage although i don't know if there's a sugarfree version out there, must be right?) It…
  • they get soggy after they've sat for awhile, so if you're craving the crunch you usually want to eat them straight off. but they still taste good once they've gone soft.
  • I LOVE kale chips! I usually just use the broiler so i don't have to preheat the oven, and you can use all kinds of different seasonings on these to make them different flavors. I use a chile lime flavor/ bbq spice/ taco seasoning/ balsamic vinegar toss/ curry powder/ black pepper. they're all good, whatever you like. Just…
  • I know what you mean, but there's a lot of us on here. Currently my goal is to lose 79 more pounds, but before I started MFP I had lost a little bit of weight while using Sparkpeople. (My high weight was 294, my goal is 175). I switched to MFP because I find it more reliable (especially the app). You could friend me.
  • I'm following the advice of a traditional chinese medicine practitioner for fertility.
  • I'm at 258, with my high at 294 but still have a long way to go, I've been stuck here for several months now. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • I think there are a few basic contingencies. 1) what is the nature of your friendship, how close are you? If its a truly casual friendship (someone you would never directly email or call or visit) then NO. If its someone you're already friends with and then both choose to do mfp together, then maybe. 2) the way you mention…
  • someone like that has such a horrible evil life that they lash out at everyone just to try to make others as miserable as they are. i know its impossible to not let things bug you (I'm super sensitive about things), but really you have to know that this person is just plain mean and evil and its no true reflection on you…
  • I could use some group motivation. I was doing really well the first half of the year (40lbs down in 5 months), but have plateaued since then and I really want to lose 66-80lbs more pounds. Need some help getting back on track! And the holidays can be hard. (did you guys know the average thanksgiving dinner is 3,000…
  • just joined so i figure this is a good way to start out! my 5: 1) my eyebrows 2) my blue eyes 3) my boobs (they stay proportionally endowed no matter my size, although getting back to a dd or ddd would be awesome, h is hard to find) 4) my creativity (I have my own business Stylish Girl) 5) my hostess nature/ ability to…