jenn26point2 Member


  • Join the Facebook group Ketogenic Dieters. The admins at that group have lost a collective 1400 lbs, some losing 100 lbs individually. The members are encouraging and very helpful as well.
  • Check out the facebook group Ketogenic Dieters. There's a ton of info there. Everyone on that page sticks to 20 gm or less, so yes, 50-100 is doable, but not sure you'll see the results you crave.
  • Join the facebook group Ketogenic Dieters! They're awesome there and you'll get all the insights and encouragement you need. The admins have lost a combined total of 1400 lbs (some losing more than 100 pounds individually) and the members are very helpful.
  • I'm a paleo keto eater. I second the salt, but would also recommend paying attention to potassium and magnesium too - something this site does a terrible job of helping you track. By keeping them in check, you'll avoid keto flu and muscle cramps. I've lost 35 lbs in 11 weeks. My husband is 9 weeks in and he's lost 40. I…
  • Join the FB group Ketogenic Dieters. The admin there have lost over 1400 pounds collectively, many of them over 100 lbs individually. The group is amazing and has a tried and true path and philosophy based off of the works of Dr. Phinney and Volek, authors of the book The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living. I also…
  • I was going to say let them take you to the doctor and when the doctor says you're doing everything right, they'll shush it. I find the people who talk this way to us when we're doing our best to be healthy are those who look at us with resentment because they don't look as good or aren't as disciplined as us. They're…
  • 50 or less (total, not net - I've never calculated my net). I fill in with protein and healthy fat sources. Total calorie goal is 1500.
  • Also nerve flossing. YouTube it. It's incredible.
  • In my experience, my sciatica is directly related to what I eat, not what I weigh. At my highest weight, I had sciatica issues. I changed my diet to be more whole foods, less processed foods including grains and refined sugars, and my sciatica went away. I dropped 55 lbs and my sciatica stayed away unless I ventured off…
  • This is fantastic!! I once told an employer that my strength was attention to detail, and then told him that it is also my weakness because sometimes I can't see the big picture through all the details and have to step back and refocus sometimes. I got the job.
  • Ice baths are an AMAZING part of my recovery. Standard tub size, filled with cold water, sit down, dump in 18-20 lbs of ice, sit for 15 minutes. BEST RECOVERY AID EVER!!! I won't EVER skip my ice bath. How long you have to run before an ice bath is warranted is up to your body... when I was training for just halves, it was…
  • From someone who just ran a full marathon in vibrams this weekend, rest until you feel well enough to start doing things again. My feet were very unhappy the day of (felt like they'd been beat with a bat, too) but the arches felt fine. My hip flexors had a fit later in the day after I sat around for a while. The next day…
  • I have a flex. I also debated for a long time about which device to get. I really wanted the UP24 but it was not available on Android yet. Jawbone and BodyMedia are now the same company. I also had a body media Fit link and loved it - but didn't love the tan line... I was returning my second armband and selling the…
  • I've been with my husband for 11 years (married 8) and the whole time I have been working on my weight and fitness... in those 11 years, he has spent 3 months at the gym. If he wanted to go, he would. It's just not a priority to him. Seeing me lose weight and run marathons and all that jazz has done nothing for his…
  • What she said.
  • I didn't read the whole thread so this may have been touched on already... Dairy allergy goes beyond lactose intolerance. Casein and whey intolerances are also possible. Some are significant (constant respiratory illnesses, crazy out of control eczema, and a few other things), some are mild. My intolerance/sensitivity to…
  • You're already trained. Go for it.
  • I did this very thing 2 years ago. It helped immensely. I was able to get off 4 mental health medications within 4 months when I made dietary changes (I went Paleo) and have been stable since. If I start to eat too much sugar again, I notice a difference right away - within a couple of days. During this the first year of…
  • I am in the final week of training (taper) for my marathon this Sunday and I am scared ****less. I will reiterate that those last 6.2 miles are what scare me. I didn't see them during training (and was told I didn't need them) and so they scare me. I did my 16 and 18 milers on a treadmill b/c it was bitterly cold outside.…
  • You can do any number of elimination diets where you eliminate a food item you suspect as being a problem for a designated period of time - usually 30 days - and then reintroduce it. If that food doesn't cause a reaction, move to the next food. Or you can eliminate ALL the common food allergens (wheat, soy, nuts and dairy)…
  • All great suggestions. You should definitely listen to these people. :) I just wanted to add that my diary is open for God and everyone to see (friend or not) so if you want to see what a 1500-2000 calorie paleo diet looks like, feel free to peek. I follow a different version of Paleo presently - It's called the Perfect…
  • devoid of nutritonal value??? Who says? says differently: "Commercial butter is composed of 80 to 82% fat, 16 to 17% water and 1 to 2% curd or other solids. Some butter contains salt, which makes up 1 to 2% of the…
  • I eat butter... and I won't stop. Read this: Plan to be there for a while - it's a 10 part series on how cholesterol REALLY works, what it's purpose is (which makes it good for you) and how to control it (b/c when out of control, it can be bad).…
  • Too much protein throws off the nitrogen balance in the body and causes ammonia and uric acid to be produced as a biproduct of the conversion to sugar/glucose. Uric acid and ammonia can cause illness. This is especially prevalent in those with low stomach acid. Additionally, too much protein can be improperly digested and…
  • The rule I've read is 0.8 gm per kg of body weight for loss, 1 gm per kg of body weight for maintenance and 1.25 gm per kg of body weight for athletes. I am 183 lbs. I eat 100 gm a day. I marathon train and lift heavy. And I don't do protein shakes. 100 gm is totally do able with real food.