lilidelafield Member


  • Hi Lacey! Don't give up trying. If you fall, get up and start again. I've been promising my doctor I would lose weight for the sake of my blood pressure being slightly elevated. He's just given up on me I think because he's put me on tablets. Now my motivation is to get off them again! I've lost (despite what my profile…
  • Thanks!!!!
  • Hi there Jainafaith. I think you will do great. If you find a way to help get your sickness under control, that will help do wonders. I do not have bipolar, but I have been on medication twice now for severe depression, and I remember how deep and dark the hole was that I seemed to be stuck in. I Now have 126 pounds of…
  • I work in an in-store bakery in a smallish convenience store, so I am on my own cooking bread, rolls, pastries, cakes, croissants and cookies......I will leave the rest to your imagination!!!
  • Hiya. I am not new to this site either. I am very good at neglecting details like logging in and being honest about the cheats, but the result is I am heavier than I have ever been and I want the old skinny me back again, so any cheerful hints or stern tellings off for cheating would be very welcome! It helps to know there…
  • Hiya. I had keyhole surgery to remove my gallbladder eight years ago, and everything went fine. I was scared as anything beforehand, never having been to hospital before, but I was worried about nothing. I was sore for just a few days, and I was off work for three weeks, seeing as I have a pretty physical job, but never…
  • We all need support and tough love to succeed. I have over 100 Ib to lose my friend! All the best with this!
  • Chocoholic here! If I have have a craving for chocolate, and I am out somewhere, I will buy ONE bar and enjoy it. Why not? I get something like KitKat Chunky, which satisfies big time and fills me up. I factor it into my day and if necessary run up and down the stairs a few times to work it off. If I really can't afford…
  • Hi. I am no different and in the past my problem has been to to snack on unhealthy goodies. It may be that your body needs smaller meals at more frequent intervals, Who says we have to eat our calories in 3 meals? We can have 15 meals a day if we want, provided we record everything and stick to our daily allowance. Why not…
  • Not many people I know are happy with their size or shape. Overweight people want to be thinner, thin people want to be bigger, if we are well endowed we wish we weren't and if we are not we wish we were.. When I was fifteen I thought I was fat ( didn't we all!) and I was convinced I needed to lose weight. I look back now…
  • I don't think so at all! I'm not a vegetarian myself but I do have massive pangs of guilt every time I eat chicken or lamb, thinking of the poor animal or bird that has given up its life just to feed me! So stick to it!