hotcheeto2005 Member


  • i love almond breeze unsweetened vanilla almond milk!! its the only milk i drink! well..that AND sometimes so delicious coconut milk. creamy and smooth just like almond milk. i usually have the almond milk with my banana protein shake, but i didnt think to add unsweetened hershy powder! i will definitely try it!
  • I havent had fast food since i started dieting in december 2009, and that definitely was the biggest helpful thing to loosing weight. Im so used to not eating fast food now because of all the healthy things i fill my diet with. I will never go back to fast food. When you think about it and how its cooked and all the fat…
  • omg these sound so good! im gona definitely try em!!
  • I don't buy soda at all. If I have a craving for a carbonated beverage I buy Arrowhead Sparkling Water. It has the same bubbly sensation of soda, great flavors (comes in lemon, lime, and raspberry), and its ZERO calories. And its just as healthy and hydrating as regular water. So start to switch over to sparkling water and…
  • I eat Lean Cuisine pizzas. They are delicious, low cal (compared to regular pizza) and they fill u up. They satisfy my pizza cravings and I still loose weight :)
  • i will join you! :) i don't eat past 7pm. they say you should stop eating two hours before you go to bed. i go to bed around 9. but yes this does really work. the weight drops off my belly the fastest. keep up the good work you can do it!
  • yay to the new month! i admit i had two days last week where i ate way more than i was supposed to. but im back in action! been sticking to the for the past 4 days. lost 80 lbs since 2009 and pushing to loose my last 20. would love to add more friends to my friends list on here. anyone feel free to add me, we will keep…