not eating after 8!

So I decided to stop eating after 8pm and if i have to then its got to be a fruit or vegetable! I'm currently on day three! Anyone wanna join in with me??


  • JoliDame
    JoliDame Posts: 15
    Does it really help? I thought it was just about the calories no matter when you have them. Please share any insight. I may join with!
  • kristendo
    kristendo Posts: 25
    My friend said she lost 3 pounds without exercising! This also worked for my sister too! I usually tend to snack at night so i thought this would be a good way to go ":)
  • marchegt
    marchegt Posts: 156 Member

    I did this a few years back and dropped weight reaaally quickly. Not only that, but it was weigh that I held in my mid area that went the fastest. Excellent results! Unfortunately I have had trouble with this now as I am always hungry, especially right around 8:00... I won't be able to do this now as I stay up late studying, but I think I will start once my exams are over!
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    thats one of my rules not to eat after 7 not 8 lol.its hard not to chew on something watching a tv show.
  • Midcoast_Mermaid
    Eating a snack before bed is actually a good thing to do, especially if you want to gain muscle and burn fat. If you go to bed on an empty stomach your body is in a "catabolic state" meaning starvation mode. If you eat a healthy snack (a few turkey slices, pb, cottage cheese) your body will stay in an "anabolic state" which will help build muscle.

    Fruit is the LAST thing you want to eat before bed! Because it is high in natural sugar/carbs your body stores it and it essentially just sits in your stomach and rots at night. Sugar/carbs are needed for an extra pick me up, which you don't need before bed which is why your body would just hold on to it until it needs it. Protein is the best before bed snack :)

    Hope this helps!
  • askhawaja
    I've also been doing this for a while but I try to make my cut off point around 6pm. After that I tend to have yogurts, fruit and lots of water. But if you're still feeling hungry - try a protein shake!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    my rule is 9pm just because of my schedule but I'm in!
  • hotcheeto2005
    hotcheeto2005 Posts: 7 Member
    i will join you! :) i don't eat past 7pm. they say you should stop eating two hours before you go to bed. i go to bed around 9. but yes this does really work. the weight drops off my belly the fastest. keep up the good work you can do it!
  • animechic23
    It doesnt matter when you eat. Calories are calories. Your body will metabolise them just the same as it would at 3 oclock in the evening. and if you have a snack before bed your body will metabolize all of it before it slows down while you sleep. So in all reality it doesnt matter when you eat. Just make sure that your not eating a 3 course meal before bed! Then your in trouble. Aim for a snack between 50-200 calories if you are eating before bed.

    Good Luck!
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    I really need to do this! Its sooo hard because my husband gets home around 830 and eats dinner! I'm gonna have to go in a different room lol.
  • jadorex40x
    jadorex40x Posts: 29 Member
    i try not to eat after 8 as i have read your body slows down and food turns to fat more quickly if your not up and about...... makes sense doesn't it
  • kristendo
    kristendo Posts: 25
    thats what i was thinking!