

  • Yes, I use digital scales and religiously weigh everything. I find measuring cups and spoons pretty inaccurate. I cook and prepare all my own food so nothing is being secretly added.
  • [/quote] If you've been at it a while, I suggest: Try netting higher. Decreasing when you're only netting at 1200 doesn't sound like a fun idea. You could also try to workout out a little less and give your body a break. Maybe 3 days a week instead of 6. Or try eating at maintenance for a couple of weeks and then go back…
  • Hmm this is interesting. I'm 5'8'' and currently 147lbs and eating 1600 - 1700 calories per day (diary is open) but I don't eat back exercise calories so net is closer to 1200. My weight loss is incredibly slow, in a month I have lost 1lb and somehow re-gained the same 1lb back a week later. I train 6 days a week (5 days…
  • I'm closer to 1600 but I eat clean apart from 1 cheat meal per week. Feel free to look at my diary.
  • I'm going to give it a try, thank you for the advice. I like the idea of being able to have a little bit of something nice each day rather than counting down the days to my next cheat meal, I'm normally dreaming about it the day before so I get pretty desperate!
  • Ok, I get what you're saying, so like a 250 calorie chocolate bar each day instead of one blowout each week. I could certainly give that a try.
  • Sorry, yes TDEE - 20% based on Scooby Calculator. Crap like cake, pizza and other junk! I think i'd struggle to hit my macros eating that.
  • I had my BF tested last month and it was at 21% which is higher than I would like, I'm aiming for around 17/18%. The problem is if I eat the foods I want to I would just eat crap, that's why I have to try and be strict and then allow myself the one cheat meal. I'm eating 1850 calories and then burning around 350-500 per…
  • Sorry, I should have said my weight hasn't really dropped for about a month, maybe goes up and down by the same few lbs. I realise my loss will be slow especially as I lift too so I guess I just need to be more patient but it would be good to know that I'm on the right track. I've opened my diary now.
  • I think I understand this but I would be really grateful if someone could have a look at my numbers: Female Age: 28 Height: 5ft 8 Weight: 143lbs Goal Weight: 137lbs BMR: 1458 I go to the gym 6 days a week and do 40 - 60 minutes cardio and 30 minutes strength training each session. My TDEE at moderate exercise is 2260. So…
  • @Stashlaaa
  • I really don't think so. I'm 5ft 9 and 138lbs and I don't look sick! Just ignore them and stick to your goals.
  • I don't like the taste so I take Green Tea capsules instead, seems to do the same job
  • I have this problem! It is soooo frustrating! I am also going to try zigzagging, fingers crossed that it works for us :)
  • Great thread! Quick question, do we eat back exercise calories or not?
  • I saw the surgeon again yesterday and the good new is that although I'm stuck in the brace for at least another 6 weeks I'm being assessed by a Physio on Tuesday and I get to do some hydro-therapy! So no frozen knee for me hopefully!!!!! :happy: I'm so excited about finally starting the road to recovery, I can't wait…
  • Ok so the most important part of recovery seems to be starting with a Physio asap. The problem I have is I am in a full leg fixed brace to prevent me bending my knee for the next 6 weeks so I don't see how I will be able to do any Physio until the brace is of? The consultant said the brace is to straighten my leg. I'm…
  • Thanks so much for all your replies and words of encouragement - its just what I need :flowerforyou: I had a fall this morning trying to get to the toilet (obviously not skilled enough with these crutches!) but luckily my Mum is home and was able to get me up. It's horrible feeling so vunerable and having to rely on people…
  • Thank you for the replies. From what I understand the brace is to try and straighten my leg as the knee area had moved towards the inside of my leg, my whole leg looked kind of twisted prior to surgery. I'm a little concerned about the amount of mucsle and strength I'm going to lose but I guess that's where the Physio…
  • I'm interested in the answers to this - I can do zero exercise due to a knee injury. I guess calorie counting and sticking to your allowance is the only option? I miss the 800 calories I used to earn at the gym!!! :sad:
  • Yeah it does! The Doctor I saw last week said MCL but I'm seeing a specialist on Tuesday so will know for sure then. Was kind of hoping to be able to at least walk by now! I miss my exercise :sad:
  • Ummm me! Tore a ligament in my knee last Wednesday and can hardly walk still so yes, I think I may have over done it! Wish I hadn't though :sad:
  • I know your pain! I tore a ligament in my knee last Wednesday and have not been able to exercise since and it is driving me mad! I normally do and hour and a half in the gym 6 nights per week and now I can barely even walk, its sooooo frustrating :sad:
  • I have this problem and it is sooo frustrating! I'm 5ft8 and my starting weight was 148lbs. I am a clothing size 10UK and none of my friends or family can understand why I want to lose weight but I am not happy at this weight/size and want to get to 140lbs. I managed to lose 1lbs in my first week and that is it - nothing…
  • Thank you for all your advice, hearing how you have all recovered from worse injuries than mine has given me hope, guess I'm lucky that its just a ligament injury rather than anything worse. :happy: I'm going to give cycling a go and try and take it easy for the first few days and see if i can build it up. Being injured is…
  • Thank you very much for all the replies. I guess slow progress is better than no progress?! hdelamore - just to clarify, I do eat most my exercise calroies, so for example my base is 1,200 but my exercise calories take my allowance up to between 1,900 - 2,000 and on those days I aim to consume 1,400 - 1,500. To be honest I…
  • Thanks so much for that link, the first post is an oracle of info. Need to set aside an hour to read the rest of it! :happy:
  • 1,200 calories/day Carbs / Day 165 g Fat / Day 40 g Protein / Day 45 g I burn between 700-800 calories in the gym every day which helps alot otherwise I would find it hard not to go over my allowance. One thing I do find interesting is that most poeple seem to be on 1,200 calories as a base. Why is this? It may just be me…
  • Thanks for all your replies, I'm going to try a banana tonight to see if that helps. To be honest I'm a bit scared of protein shakes - they sound a bit hard core! rostrum - I don't tend to get light headed or dizzy, I occasionally get a headache towards the end of the session but I think thats becuase I dont drink enough,…
  • This is such a great idea for a post, looking forward to all the replies :smile: