1200 cals a day- still not losing!

okay just to start off...
i'm 18 years old, 5ft 2", and i weigh 155lbs.

I joined MFP on the 24th March and weighed in at 158lbs.
By April 13th I managed to hit 154lbs.
I then joined the gym as this weight loss happened with minimal exersise and eating just 1200cals a day.
Since then, I have not lost a single lb, just gained 1lb. It's almost a month without any weight loss :(
+ I know people are going to be like "muscle weighs more than fat" but i've definately not gained a l of muscle!

I try to go to the gym about 3/4 times a week for 2/3 hours a shot and I do both cardio and strength.
I do eat my exersise calories back as I realised that my body wasnt having much food...

I'm looking for any suggestions / where people have been in the same situation as me...

I'm wondering wether to up my calories a bit (has anyone been successful with this?)
and maybe to have more meals more often eg breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.

i'd appreciate any help and feel free to add me if you want to check out my food diary or offer any support

Thankyou to anyone who takes the time to help me :flowerforyou:

It will be very much appreciated!

i'm just wanting to see some results in the near future :cry:


  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I was stalling out on weight loss a while back and I upped my calories, (changed my activity level), ate my exercise calories, and I do a hour a cardio, along with Zumba, and I now lose on a regular basis. You should try tweaking your diet, buy a electronic food scale, make sure you weigh everything and are logging everything. Sometimes you gotta switch things up a little...
  • emylourow
    emylourow Posts: 38
    Definitely eat some of your exercise calories back. Whether you have bigger meals or add in snacks is up to you, everyone is different you just need to see what works for you. I like snacks, it fills in that time between meals. lol
  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    i do eat my exersize calories back :D
  • fryclan
    fryclan Posts: 2
    You are spending way too long at the gym! Try running, I know people don't think they can run, but give it a shot! It burns more calories than the stair climber, or eliptical. You can try intervals. Walk for 5 minutes, then run as fast as you can for one minute...then walk for one to two minutes, then run again...repeat for 30 minutes. This usually kicks my metabolism back into gear!
  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    You are spending way too long at the gym! Try running, I know people don't think they can run, but give it a shot! It burns more calories than the stair climber, or eliptical. You can try intervals. Walk for 5 minutes, then run as fast as you can for one minute...then walk for one to two minutes, then run again...repeat for 30 minutes. This usually kicks my metabolism back into gear!

    I'm just about to start the Couch to 5K :happy:
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Try eating your 1200 over 4 meals instead of 3. Also make sure you're drinking enough water and getting enough sleep, cannot stress how important the water is for weight loss.

    I switched to 4 meals a day 1200 cals which is very challenging in it's own right but if you're going to the gym you obviously get more so it's all good!

    I lost at least a couple of pounds a week and I'm next to my ideal weight now
  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    Try eating your 1200 over 4 meals instead of 3. Also make sure you're drinking enough water and getting enough sleep, cannot stress how important the water is for weight loss.

    I switched to 4 meals a day 1200 cals which is very challenging in it's own right but if you're going to the gym you obviously get more so it's all good!

    I lost at least a couple of pounds a week and I'm next to my ideal weight now

    I do tend to have 3 meals a day with snacks in between anyway, and I do drink at least 8 glasses of water a day- pushing 15 sometimes :P
  • mousumi30
    mousumi30 Posts: 52
    i just lost weight during my secoend week of dieting and exercising, first week showed no loss, so its normal, you will loose weight , dont worry.
  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    the weight in the beginning will have been water weight. 30days is way too long to see no losses and just gains :(
  • mommygus
    mommygus Posts: 1
    I'm 5'3" and started at 149 with a goal of 135. In 7 weeks I had surpassed my goal and hit 132. I ate 6 times a day at 200 calories a pop. I changed my log to reflect 1250 calories (to give myself "a few' extra so I wasn't going over but at least hitting 1200 a day) and 60% carbs, 20% fat and 20% protein. If you are not eating enough calories in a day you will not lose. If you are not eating the right variety you will not lose either. I exercised about 1 hour 3-4 times a week. With a couple of days of running and a couple of days of Zumba. I wanted my lose to be a weight I could comfortably maintain without killing myself at the gym and allowing myself to eat like a normal person. Once you REALLY start calorie counting it becomes an eye opener on what foods you are willing to "give up" due to the high calories or fat. Weigh and measure out everything. Log EVERY SINGLE BITE you eat. Don't cheat. If you eat, log it. About every two weeks throw in an "off" day to reset your metabolism. Don't eat everything in site but do eat a few hundred more calories that day. Also EAT YOUR DAIRY. Eating less and exercising more is hard on your bones. Women have enough problems with bones later in life to deprive yourself of calcuim now. Good luck! And remember... It's a lifestyle change not a diet.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    Totally in the same position....i have 5-6lbs left to loose but it is not budging! I never eat more than my calories but do sometimes eat a few of my exercise calories. Is i possible we are eating too less and working out too much? This is all SO confusing!
  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    IT IS VERY CONFUSING! :( i going to try zigzagging my calories- :)
  • Stasha83
    Stasha83 Posts: 39
    I have this problem! It is soooo frustrating! I am also going to try zigzagging, fingers crossed that it works for us :)
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    I'm going for a dumb question here - but what is zigzagging?....
  • nicolebendick
    nicolebendick Posts: 1 Member
    Check with your doctor. It sounds like you are trying to do everything right, but you might need to take medical issues into account. Have the physical and possibly blood work done to make sure it isn't something within you.
  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140

    sure is :) apparently it works for people who are stuck at a certain weight... shakes up metabolism a little
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    what is your activity level set at? Im thinking that 1200 calories is probably not enough for you, you sounds like you are spending a lot of time at the gym and prob should be eating more? Its difficult to say as different things work for different people but i think if you havent got a lot to lose you could try upping your calories to 1lb loss/ week or 0.5lbs/ week? tht might help to shake things up a bit? i find calorie cycling also helps to lose the calories.
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    bump- i gotta run but will reply later!