chadpoulin Member


  • Please dont listen to nonsense spouted on the internet. Gluten itself doesn’t offer special nutritional benefits. But the many whole grains that contain gluten do. They’re rich in an array of vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins and iron, as well as fiber. Studies…
  • Cutting fat, carbs, whatever really mainly works because you cut out entire food groups which naturally leads to a calorie deficit. I've known people who swear by cutting out dairy, others who swear by cutting gluten. But in my opinion, cutting out food groups isnt the best way to go. Fats provide health benefits (limit…
  • Dear god no. I dont think it is healthy to intentionally eat less than ~1200 calories a day. "The American College of Sports Medicine states that you shouldn't send signals to your body to conserve calories by detoxing or fasting. They recommend that women should eat at least 1,200 calories per day, and men should eat at…
  • Might not be the answer you need, but I make my own shakes. 2cups unsweetened almond milk, 1 small banana, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup raw oatmeal, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 tsp cinnamon. Blend it up and go. If you have a fridge handy at work you can make them at home and drink it later. The whole thing is…
    in shakes? Comment by chadpoulin May 2015
  • Roughage...that's the ticket. Eat high fiber foods in addition to protein and you will feel full longer.
  • You can get the body fortress stuff on Amazon for about the same price I think. To answer your questions, creatine isnt a necessity but it will help with your muscles soreness. It buffers lactic acid build-up which is what causes the burn in your muscles. It isnt a magic cure, but it helps. The amount of protein to eat…
  • I forgot to mention...the Body Fortress powder also has creatine in it. That will help with your muscle soreness as well. Oh, and one more thing. If you want fewer calories, use one cup milk/almond milk and one cup water.
  • Agree with Chief_Rocka, protein shakes dont have to be expensive. If you buy the premade ones they can be, but just buy some powder and make your own. I get Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein powder at Walmart for about $16 bucks a tub (it isnt the best I've ever had but the chocolate flavor tastes pretty good). One…
  • I use a HRM as well, but just as another "data point". Dont make the mistake of relying on them (no matter how expensive) to be 100% accurate in terms of calories burned. They dont/cant take everything into account like muscle mass, BF%, etc and everyone is different. There is no one formula that will work for everyone.…