

  • i also had my youngest later (30) i was not diagnosed until much later age 45, i was always told i was depressed and took the anti depression meds. i also had endometriosis and had to have a historectomy last year. i have always said that even Dr's do not take large people serious and just want to say your fat lose weight…
  • my husband recently went on afternoon shift so i was home alone, scraping the ceiling and singing to the radio, I actually had a great night because i never thought i was going to get as much done as i did. I got roses and i did make him a cake :)
  • i have never heard of them before, keep us posted , hope they work!
  • if the truth be told i would rather eat chocolate and play games but! i really love to work out in the water. i haven't been able to in a few years because the gyms are so expensive around here. i hope it is great! let me know !
  • i wish i could help but i'm so lost in this too, i was reading that iodine supplements could help also but i am not sure. i think i have to much protein also, but you bring up a good idea it just might be the gluten. hope you find answers. if i find anything out i will surely let you know. good luck . Sharon
  • I AM trying ti find me under all this fat I AM venturing on a journey of a life time I AM worth it !
  • Hi i'm Sharon , I have 100 lbs plus to lose and also on this journey. please anyone feel free to friend me and we can help and love each other and support each other. I love my family so very much but sometimes they just dont get it and it's nice to have people who do. Hugs!
  • thats great ! support here if you need me !
  • The only thing i have noticed thus far is my belly feels not as hard, does that make sense? everyday i get naked in front of the mirror and nope nothing yet, but i'm sure when i do see differences you will hear me shout from the roof tops! someone asked me,"are you scared you will lose all your boobs"? my answer was Ummm…
  • Hi i'm Sharon, i have been in that place alot of times too, the one thing i can tell you is you made a wise choice by writing it down, on here and talking to people who know exactly where you are coming from, i have alot more then 100 lbs to lose but we can't look at the big picture, we have to take it day by day minute by…
  • ohhhh i love this idea! and my skin needs this ! thank you so much !
  • i started out walking on the treadmill and i try to increase as much as possible. i need to start pushing myself a little harder. i have the biggest loser yoga that i used to do but i'm afraid to try and fail so i'm going to increase my walking more and then try to get into the yoga in a couple weeks, i just dont want to…
  • wow thats great info thanks for sharing, i'm overwhelmed at all the food info i have been reading, i dont know what to eat anymore lol
  • wow i'm new to this group, have just learned new stuff that i didnt know and i have been diagnosed with with hypothyroidism for over 5 years! i have been gaining weight like crazy but never new anything about calcium ! wow just wow! so glad to be here Hi everyone ! i'm Sharon nice to meet you all !
  • i am 5'7" and i started this on Monday and my weight was 328. I was diagnosed with hashmotos disease and thought i could or would ever be able to gain control over my weight, but i'm going to try.. it sucks when you cant walk long cause you can't catch your breath or even think of running. i'm 48 yrs old and i need this…
  • i am just starting my fitness. i have not exercised in years so im going to start low please at 50 miles for the month :embarassed: