pepamint83 Member


  • i dont think we have started a new thread and i wont pop out till im the last one standing :wink: just got back from 45 minute bike ride trying to mix the exercise up but it is so hot and humid to bike lol
  • lmao am i that predictable lol as long as one other person is here i am ( i check every day) toes feeling a bit better ive been doing the eliptical feeling it in abs and thighs and arms. read bob from biggest loser said if u hit a plauto mix up ur exercise so im trying it...possibly going camping kayaking this week hope so…
  • thanks so much good luck to u and all of us on this journey :flowerforyou:
  • so im gonna be struggling today its a fast day began at 8 pm last night ends after 9 pm no food no drink not even water plus no exercise so im here to support but a little tired.
  • so exciting one pound congrats :drinker: once u start working out ull feel better i hated working out at first 30 min walk blech then got up to 45 min before my injury few weeks ago i had been doing an hour + and i never ever thought i would say this but i miss it. u just have to stop making excuses check in here every day…
  • i really want to start doing kickboxing but i think i want more just to hit a punching bag lol ive been thinking about getting one for a while...painting house is good arm exercise i remember how sore my arm would get in my studio art classes....i raked the lawn on sun for an hour and my god that is painful my arms and abs…
  • havent had a chance to read everything but i have been doing the elliptical beside the walking on the fractured toes man its hard lol but felt good also got new pedometer cant wait to try it out till tom xoxo tortoise
  • absolutely welcome most of us started in jan but then many amazing ppl joined and we are a wonderful group. We weigh in on Tues and try to come up with challengs either personal or group for the week food or exercise. as long as one other person is here i am and i check in every day even if its just to say hi. fractured 2…
  • hey both of u welcome back for the pop in - no ones around so i have been frustrated especially with reaggrivating my fracture but i got around the block for 30 + min summer here is sucky its been raining non stop and chilly but im happy to see u guys are having fun
  • so i lost a pound this week not back to where i was before the toe but i lost a pound yay
  • hello every 1 did i mention i went swimming a bit last week well i did water exercises but i could barely swim cause every time i tried to kick my toe was on fire....i did go for 45 min walk i havent in 2 days cause toes been bothering but i dont think i am gaining weight since the injury so thats a plus right hope all is…
  • Pinky congrats congrats kace maybe a snack challenge im not sure but i know i need help with the food department Bday is rolling around pretty fast and i want to feel a little better about myself. thanks about the walk yes it felt sooooo good im in a bit of pain today but i did some water exercise cause i was in a pool…
  • I did a personal challenge was able 2 walk for 45 min slow but i did it toe hurts a little but i feel really good about it.... what if we do a food challenge this week not waterr but food food?
  • i did it my first time lost about 40 pounds im on it this time modified and luv luv luv it....basically the no sugar or carbs or fruit i did first 2 weeks and then i allowed low carbs like brown rice and whole wheat tortillas and some fruit cause i luv fruit so far 13 pounds lost and i feel really good.....i do the…
  • I agree with those saying make UR own. I have since i startted especially when i get that craving...yes its not the same as we all know but it gives u the taste U crave healthier for U and U know exactly wat is put into it...Mayan farms makes really good 110 calorie whole wheat low carb flat torillas i use that and then…
  • Juicey thank you so much it means a lot to me....sudz thank u 2 i shall kick u rose and everyones butt as long as u kick mine too i promised as long as 1 other person is on this thread i will stick around. A for the toes not gonna lie a little sore one point during bike ride i had 2 put foot down cause of a car but i didn…
  • rode a bike today outside for 30 min im paying for it with the toes but boy was it worth it :bigsmile:
  • just wanted to give an update to those kind enough to support me...2 weeks later i was able to go around 4 nyc blocks 4 times yesterday slow but i did i went for a half hour bike ride i feel good toe hurts not gonna lie but boy did i miss cardio i miss my hour walks something i never thought i would say but i…
  • Johnny welcome welcome. i would try the stationary bike but ours isnt too great i was thinking the bike tomorrow close to home but its raining again so im not sure...meanwhile yes it sucks having them taped especially lately sudzie i would kick U in the butt however I am afraid of injuring toe further how about a virtual…
  • i t hink the incredible point is that when u feel like u did something that wasnt good for UR progress U took anitiative u didnt let it get U down u realized that by doing something today and not tomorrow is a better way to live.. good for U its true we may fall off the wagon once and a while but dont wait till tomorrow to…
  • good plan...theresa says hi to all she will be back just not yet busy with home and kids. wasnt able to do the walk put foot flat down and its feeling better so my mother is gonna attempt to go around the block with me. soooooo good kacee u got in walking i miss it so...glad ur not fretting over the pound i…
  • so porud of u havppy dance (in my head) toes are looking better. yesterday i attempted to put foot flat on ground see if i could walk not happening but soon. i miss my walks so weird to say. mother said she would walk around th block with me tom slowly may take a couple of hours but i want to try happy 4th of july everyone
  • i know where a few have gone (vacation) but im wondering where the rest of the group went?
  • my dad in his infinite wisdom thinks i can bike outside cause its sitting and i "dont really need to use both my feet....i may to the eliptical may do the stationary right now it hurts a lot sudz thanks yeah it hurts hes not sure if its a hairline fracture a complete fracture he thinks complete or broken but says theres no…
  • i actually havent been using the treadmill since feb cause it broke thats when i took my cardio outdoors. but i will do the eliptical the end of the week right now i need to stay off it completly, thank you all for ur help and support
  • o kacee im so proud of U happy dance & yay about the capri (pics?) sudz sometimes during the summer these things happen enjoy the beach (cough jealous) to answer ur quest about my toes in previous thres i fractured 2 toes sat, cause i slipped on the treadmill instructions falling toes straight on (with flip flops on) into…
  • o man well if thats what was going on im glad its gone there should be none of that...thank you
  • thank u both hopefully i will b back in commision soon i miss walking (thanks kacee im proud of the walking time and bumbed this happends this week) rosa where is ur bf if i may ask?
  • thank you so much yeah i could barely get the flip flop back on i think im gonna give it a day or two let it heal a bit then try to do soemthing cause right now im basically hobbling around and i dont want to aggrivate it more....wish i could be at a pool nothing i love more that to swim lol. i cant see myself biking…
  • i wasnt on the treadmill in flip flops sat i dont do exercise i was leaving the bathroom after putting sun tan lotion on to relaz outside and the treadmill is right outside the door the instructions must have fallen on the floor (treadmill broke dads fixing it) and as i was leaving i slip on i always wear sneakers…